November 28

Lesson Plans: November 29 – December 3

Honors English I

11/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3; TEST 12/10

11/30  LTOTW:  characterization; Gift of the Magi:  Students will read the short story and begin essay assignment after reviewing expository essay expectations and grading codes; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/1  EOC Benchmark in the morning; Reading Day in afternoon for Book Talks DUE by 12/8; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/2 Dead Words:  Students will discuss overused, watered-down words which need to be replaced with upper level vocabulary for funeral on Monday 12/6; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE tomorrow

12/3 Dead Words:  Students will continue working on their dead words for funeral Monday

English I

11/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3; TEST 12/10

11/30  LTOTW:  characterization; Gift of the Magi:  Students will read the short story and take notes over TEXXEXXT writing; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/1 EOC Benchmark in the morning; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/2  Gift of the Magi:  Students will begin paragraph writing response to the short story following the TEXXEXXT method; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE tomorrow

12/3 Reading Day for Book Talks DUE by 12/8

September 26

Lesson Plans: September 27 – October 1

Honors English I

9/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  QuickWrite #4 in Google Classroom; Fall of Icarus discussion/activity; Helping Verbs QUIZ tomorrow

9/28  LTOTW:  tone; Helping Verbs QUIZ; Greek Mythology: QuickWrite #5; Students will read “Narcissus and Echo,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Narcissus and Echo

9/29  Mrs. Noble’s Birthday!! Greek Mythology:  QuickWrite #6; Students will read “Orpheus,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Orpheus, Eurydice, Aristeus

9/30  Greek Mythology: Students will read “Midas,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Midas and Apollo

10/1  Greek Mythology: QuickWrite #7; Students will read “Theseus,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Theseus, Aegeus, Ariadne, Corynetes, Pityocamptes, Procrustes, Sciron; Binders DUE October 8th; EXAM October 8th; Essay Test October 11th

English I

9/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Author Background Research on Roald Dahl

9/28  LTOTW:  tone; “Lamb to Slaughter” or “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl:  Students will reread one of the short stories with a partner and begin study packet

9/29  Mrs. Noble’s birthday; “Lamb to Slaughter” or “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl:  Students will continue their study packet with their partner

9/30  “Lamb to Slaughter” or “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl:  Students will complete their study packet with their partner

10/1  Reading Day:  Students will read their self-selected novel

August 30

Lesson Plans: August 30 – September 3

Honors English I

8/30  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Students will join Google Classroom, subscribe to English blog, and sign up for Remind messages; Personal Narrative Writing:  in small groups, students will read each other’s “show don’t tell” paragraphs and choose best one to share with class before working on a sensory questionnaire in preparation for their rough draft DUE Thursday; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday

8/31  LTOTW:  protagonist/antagonist;  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will take notes over how to include dialogue in writing and work on their rough draft DUE Thursday; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday

9/1  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will take notes over how to “Write Like a Pro” and continue working on their rough draft DUE Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday

9/2  SAT Vocabulary List 1 Review for TEST Tomorrow; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will work on “Write Like a Pro” activity before working to include all six elements in their writing second rough draft DUE Tuesday

9/3  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will work on including all six elements of writing like a pro into their Second Rough Draft DUE Tuesday

English I

8/30  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Students will join Google Classroom, subscribe to English blog, and sign up for Remind messages; Personal Narrative Writing: students will review topic suggestions and begin creating their storytelling arc as an outline for their own narrative; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday

8/31  LTOTW:  protagonist/antagonist;  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will complete their storytelling arc for their own personal narrative; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday

9/1  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will work on descriptive writing through “Show Don’t Tell” exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday

9/2  SAT Vocabulary List 1 Review for TEST Tomorrow; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will read “Show Don’t Tell” paragraphs in small groups choosing the most descriptive one to share with class

9/3  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST

August 23

Lesson Plans: August 23 – 27

Honors English I

8/23  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 1 flashcards DUE 8/27 and TEST 9/3; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will take notes over the characteristics of a personal narrative, read “The Pie” by Gary Soto

8/24  Literary Term of the Week:  theme; Personal Narrative Writing:  in groups, students will answer response questions to “The Pie” in preparation for class discussion

8/25  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will read and annotate student samples of personal narratives; Think About it Thursday DUE

8/26  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will choose own topic for their personal narrative, review the storytelling arc, and work on one for their personal narrative; SAT Vocab List 1 flashcards DUE tomorrow

8/27  Self-Selected Reading:  students will read self-selected novel while flashcards are checked; Personal Narrative Writing:  Students will take notes over using imagery in writing

English I

8/23  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 1 flashcards DUE 8/27 and TEST 9/3  students will use class time to begin creating flashcards

8/24  Literary Term of the Week:  theme; Personal Narrative Writing: students will take notes over the characteristics of a personal narrative and read “The Pie” by Gary Soto

8/25  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will have a discussion in response to questions about “The Pie”; Think About it Thursday DUE

8/26 Personal Narrative Writing:  students will read/annotate student samples of personal narratives; SAT Vocab List 1 flashcards DUE tomorrow

8/27  Self-Selected Reading:  students will read self-selected novel while flashcards are checked

August 15

Lesson Plans: August 16 – 20

Honors English I

8/16  MUGshot Monday editing marks and exercise; House on Mango Street vignette reading

8/17  Literary Term of the Week; House on Mango Street vignette reading

8/18  Parts of Speech review – students will take notes over all 8 parts of speech and, as a class, write sentences which include all 8 before writing individually

8/19  Think About it Thursday journal assignment and expectations; Writing complete sentences

8/20  Library Visit for self-selected novel for SSR in prep for Book Talks

English I

8/16  MUGshot Monday editing marks and exercise; writing complete sentences

8/17  Literary Term of the Week; Parts of Speech review – students will take notes over all 8 parts of speech and, as a class, write sentences which include all 8

8/18  Parts of Speech review – students will write sentences which include all 8 parts of speech

8/19  Think About it Thursday journal assignment and expectations; Writing complete sentences

8/20  Library Visit for self-selected novel for SSR in prep for Book Talks


February 21

Lesson Plans: February 22 – 26

Honors English I

2/22  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Silas Marner TEST with essay (Rough Draft DUE Wednesday); SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/23  LTOTW:  foreshadow; Silas Marner essay writing Rough Draft DUE Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/24 PLC Day:  1/2 day for students; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/25  Benchmark Testing; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE Tomorrow TEST 3/5

2/26  Benchmark Testing

English I

2/22  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/23  LTOTW:  foreshadow; Expository Essay:  Students will take notes over writing a conclusion paragraph before writing their 2nd body paragraph following the TEXXEXXT structure and conclusion

2/24  PLC Day:  1/2 day for students; Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected text

2/25  Benchmark Testing; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE Tomorrow TEST 3/5

2/26  Benchmark Testing

February 8

Lesson Plans: February 8 – 12

Honors English I

2/8  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Silas Marner – students will read chapters 9-10, working on their study guides as they go

2/9  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Silas Marner – students will read chapter 11, working on their study guides as they go

2/10  Silas Marner – students will read chapters 12-13, working on their study guides as they go

2/11  Silas Marner – students will read chapters 14-15, working on their study guides as they go

2/12  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST; Silas Marner – students will read chapter 16, working on their study guides as they go

English I

2/8  MUGshot Monday editing exercise;  2018 STAAR Reading Passage

2/9  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Expository Essay writing introduction, students will analyze writing prompt and complete brainstorm page

2/10  Expository Essay:  introduction writing

2/11  Expository Essay:  body paragraph I – TEXXEXXT organization

2/12  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST; Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected text for Book Talks (flipgrid link in Google Classroom) due 3/3

January 29

Lesson Plans: February 1 – 5

Honors English I

2/1  Silas Marner – Students will read chapter 1, building their study guide as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 2/12

2/2  LTOTW:  personification; Silas Marner – Students will read chapters 2-3, building their study guide as they go

2/3  Silas Marner – Students will read chapters 4-6, building their study guide as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday

2/4  Counselor Visit

2/5  Silas Marner – Students will read chapters 7-8, building their study guide as they go

English I

2/1 SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 2/12

2/2  LTOTW:  personification; Night GimKit review for TEST Tomorrow

2/3  Night TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday

2/4  Counselor Visit

2/5  Sustained Silent Reading for Book Talks DUE 3/3

January 22

Lesson Plans: January 25 – 29

Honors English I

1/25  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Night – Students will complete their One-Pager project DUE Tuesday

1/26  LTOTW:  irony (verbal/situational/dramatic); Write Like a Pro – Students will take notes over and practice the usage of tips to improve their writing

1/27  PLC Day (1/2 day for students); Write Like a Pro – Students will continue their practice in using the tips to improve writing

1/28  Silas Marner introduction and Author Background Research

1/29  Silas Marner:  Journal Study Guide discussion and expectations; complete author background research

English I

1/25  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Night – Students will read chapter 4, considering study questions as they go

1/26  LTOTW:  irony (verbal/situational/dramatic); Night – Students will read chapters 5 & 6, considering study questions as they go

1/27  PLC Day (1/2 day for students)

1/28  Night – Students will read chapters 7 – 9, considering study questions as they go

1/29  Night – Students will review the memoir and compile study materials on characters, conflicts, and plot events for the TEST Wednesday 2/3

January 4

Lesson Plans January 4 – 8

Honors English I

1/4  Teacher Workday

1/5  LTOTW – extended metaphor; Grammar:  Comma Rules 1-3 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/6  Grammar:  Comma Rules 4-6 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/7  Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ on Tuesday 1/12; Begin Background Research for memoir, Night DUE Monday

1/8  Library/Reading Day for 3rd Quarter Book Talks week of 3/8; Background Research for memoir, Night DUE Monday

English I

1/4  Teacher Workday

1/5  LTOTW – extended metaphor; Grammar:  Comma Rules 1-2 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/6  Grammar:  Comma Rules 3-4 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/7  Grammar:  Comma Rules 5-6 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/8  Library/Reading Day for 3rd Quarter Book Talks week of 3/8