April 27

Lesson Plans: April 24 – 28

Honors English I & English I

4/24  Romeo & Juliet: Students will recite the Act I Prologue

4/25  English I EOC Review and Preparation

4/26  English I EOC

4/27  Romeo & Juliet: Students will read Act II Prologue – Scene 2

4/28  Romeo & Juliet: Students will read Act II Scenes 3-4

April 17

Lesson Plans: April 17 – 21

Honors English I

4/17  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Romeo & Juliet:  Students will be introduced to expectations of study questions and One Question Quizzers and assigned parts before reading Act 1 Prologue – Act I Scene 1; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/18  LTOTW:  soliloquy; Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scenes 2-3; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/19  Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scene 4  Queen Mab assignment; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/20  SAT Vocabulary List 10 GimKit review for TEST tomorrow; Romeo & Juliet:  Work on Queen Mab assignment and study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

4/21  SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST; Romeo & Juliet:  Complete Queen Mab assignment and study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

English I

4/17  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Romeo & Juliet:  Students will be introduced to expectations of study questions and One Question Quizzers and assigned parts before reading Act 1 Prologue – Act I Scene 1; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/18  LTOTW:  soliloquy; Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scenes 2-3; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/19  Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scene 4; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/20  SAT Vocabulary List 10 GimKit review for TEST tomorrow; Romeo & Juliet:  study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

4/21  SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST; Romeo & Juliet:  study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

April 11

Lesson Plans: April 10 – 14

Honors English I & English I


4/11  LTOTW: pun;  Informational Text:  students will read a non-fiction article and write a brief analysis

4/12  Shakespeare background research; SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 4/21

4/13  Shakespearean sonnets:  students will take notes over the characteristics of Shakespearean sonnets before writing their own in his style; SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 4/21

4/14  Students will complete their sonnet or analysis of informational text; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST next Friday, 4/21