August 28

Lesson Plans: August 31 – Sept 9

Short Stories, lessons, activities, and quizzes are in Edgenuity.  You access Edgenuity through Classlink accessed through your school email address.

Honors English I

8/31 & 9/1  LTOTW:  anti-hero – a central character who lacks conventional heroic qualities; they blur the line between good and evil.  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of an anti-hero along with the title and author where you found the example; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will take notes over imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing before reading the short story, answering questions and completing related activities as they go.

9/2 & 9/3  Think About it Thursday journal responses are DUE on Wednesday, 9/2 and new quote will be posted in the Google Classroom on Thursday, 9/3; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will review literary terms discussed in previous lesson and shown throughout the short story in preparation for a quiz at the end

9/4 & 9/8  “Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez – Students will take notes over idioms, characterization, syntax, and conflict before reading the short story, answering questions and completing related activities as they go.

9/9  (Both 4th & 7th periods) LTOTW:  foil – a character who serves as a direct contrast to the main character as a device to draw attention to and emphasize that character  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of a foil along with the title and author where you found the example; “Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez – Students will review literary terms discussed in previous lesson and shown throughout the short story in preparation for a QUIZ on Thursday, 9/10.

English I

8/31 & 9/1  LTOTW:  anti-hero – a central character who lacks conventional heroic qualities; they blur the line between good and evil.  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of an anti-hero along with the title and author where you found the example; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will take notes over imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing in preparation of reading the short story

9/2 & 9/3  Think About it Thursday journal responses are DUE on Wednesday, 9/2 and new quote will be posted in the Google Classroom on Thursday, 9/3; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will read reading the short story, answering questions and completing related activities as they go.

9/4 & 9/8  “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will review literary terms discussed in previous lessons and shown throughout the short story in preparation for a quiz at the end of this day’s lesson.

9/9  LTOTW:  foil – a character who serves as a direct contrast to the main character as a device to draw attention to and emphasize that character  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of a foil along with the title and author where you found the example; Students will read their self-selected novels in preparation for their Book Talks at the end of the quarter.

August 28

At-Home Overview for August 31 – Sept 9

I know this is not the ideal situation, but if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that we are resilient and can handle change a lot easier than we think.
We will be meeting as a class on scheduled days through Zoom. I will send the invitation to the meeting the day before. Please come to the meeting prepared as you would for regular class. I will take attendance at each meeting and turn that in to the office, so this is NOT an optional event.
If for some reason you are unable to attend during your scheduled session, please email me at [email protected] so I can let you know what we covered, so you do not fall behind in class. It is crucial that you attend these meetings for not only attendance purposes, but also in order to continue and build upon your educational experience.
Posted below is the Zoom schedule for all high school classes.  All teachers will hold “Office Hours” each afternoon from 1-4 p.m.  Stay connected. Ask questions. Do right.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday (8/31, 9/2, 9/4, 9/9)

1st period-8:00 a.m.

2nd period-9:00 a.m.

3rd period-10:00 a.m.

4th period-11:00 a.m.

Tuesday, Thursday (9/1, 9/3, 9/8)

5th period-8:00 a.m.

6th period-9:00 a.m.

7th period-10:00 a.m.

8th period-11:00 a.m.

August 27

At-Home Plan for Thursday, August 27

Honors English I

  1.  Complete the Adjectives/Adverbs assignment in the Google Classroom and be sure to turn it in.  Remember, click the check mark in the bottom right corner, click turn in, and then click turn in again.  If you don’t see a grade in Skyward tomorrow, I didn’t receive your assignment.  Please pay attention.
  2. Study your Vocabulary List 1.  There will be a test posted in the Google Classroom for you tomorrow.
  3. We were going to begin our Greek Mythology Unit today, but we aren’t.  I’m working through making it all digital and hoping to post a video to introduce the expectations on Monday.
  4. Communicate with me any questions or concerns that you have.  Use Remind text, email, or comment on a post either here or in the Google Classroom.  We may be home, but the internet keeps us together.

English I

  1. Study your Vocabulary List 1.  There will be a test posted in the Google Classroom for you tomorrow.
  2. Read your self-selected novel.
  3. Communicate with me any questions or concerns that you have.  Use Remind text, email, or comment on a post either here or in the Google Classroom.  We may be home, but the internet keeps us together.
August 21

Lesson Plans: August 24 – 28

Honors English I

8/24  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech – Students will take notes over the pronoun case chart and work through correctly choosing appropriate pronouns to complete sentences in Google Classroom – Case Chart Quiz 8/31; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Friday 8/28

8/25  LTOTW:  Protagonist & Antagonist; Parts of Speech – Students will be introduced to state of being and helping verb lists and begin memorizing them – Quiz 8/31; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Friday

8/26  Parts of Speech – Students will be introduced to adjectives and adverbs and then work to identify and add them into sentences; Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb QUIZ Monday 8/31; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Friday

8/27  Greek Mythology – Unit Introduction and Expectations; QuickWrite #1; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Tomorrow; Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb QUIZ Monday 8/31

8/28  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST; Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb QUIZ Monday 8/31

English I

8/24  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech – Students will take notes over the pronoun case chart and work through correctly choosing appropriate pronouns to complete sentences in Google Classroom – Case Chart Quiz 8/31; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Friday 8/28

8/25  LTOTW:  Protagonist & Antagonist; Parts of Speech – Students will continue working through the correct use of pronoun cases in assignment in Google Classroom – Quiz 8/31; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Friday

8/26  Parts of Speech – Students will be introduced to state of being and helping verb lists and begin memorizing them; Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb QUIZ Monday 8/31; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Friday

8/27  Parts of Speech – Students will be introduced to adjectives and then work to identify and add them into sentences; SAT Vocab List 1 TEST Tomorrow; Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb QUIZ Monday 8/31

8/28  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST; Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb QUIZ Monday 8/31


August 16

Lesson Plans: August 17 – 21

Honors English I & English I

8/17  MUGshot editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 1 flashcards DUE Friday 8/21 TEST 8/28

8/18  Literary Term of the Week extra credit opportunity; Email etiquette

8/19  Parts of Speech – Students will take notes over the 8 parts of speech

8/20  Parts of Speech – Students will review all 8 parts of speech and then focus on nouns, pronouns and verbs on a worksheet and in a Gimkit game; HOMEWORK:  Vocab flashcards DUE Tomorrow

8/21  Self-Selected Reading – Students will spend class time reading self-selected novel

August 6

Lesson Plans: August 10 – 14

Honors English I

8/10  Summer Reading:  Students will submit their book of vignettes and their study packet for grading; Policies & Procedures:  Students will review department and classroom policies and procedures, subscribe to teacher blog, and join Google Classroom and Remind; HOMEWORK:  Raisin in the Sun TEST Tomorrow

8/11  Summer Reading:  Raisin in the Sun TEST; Edgenuity training and lesson

8/12  Continue Edgenuity training and lesson

8/13  Think About it Thursday journal response to weekly quote; Edgenuity:  Students will read the short story “The Initiation” by Sylvia Plath and answer questions about character development, conflict, and plot elements.

8/14  First Chapter Friday; Edgenuity:  Students will read the short story “The Initiation” by Sylvia Plath and take a quiz over character development, conflict, and plot elements; Summer Reading:  Students will read one vignette from their book on Flipgrid

English I

8/10  Policies & Procedures:  Students will review department and classroom policies and procedures, subscribe to teacher blog, and join Google Classroom and Remind

8/11 Edgenuity:  Students will read the short story “The Initiation” by Sylvia Plath and answer questions about character development, conflict, and plot elements.

8/12 Edgenuity:  Students will read the short story “The Initiation” by Sylvia Plath and answer questions about character development, conflict, and plot elements.

8/13  Think About it Thursday journal response to weekly quote; Edgenuity:  Students will complete the summary activities over “The Initiation” by Sylvia Plath and take a quiz.

8/14  First Chapter Friday; Book Talks:  Students will be introduced to quarterly self-sustained reading expectations

August 1

Supply List

Because we will not have access to community supplies, every freshmen will need the following items with them in class everyday:

Folder with brads and pockets for English class only, 2 composition books, notebook paper, 200 3×5 index cards, large key ring for holding cards together (these will be your vocab flashcards), pens (any color and red), and 3 highlighters of different colors

Honors students will also need a 3-ring binder for the Greek Mythology unit.