August 17

Classroom Guidelines & Rules


  1. Integrity – We always do the right thing regardless of who is watching or how long it takes. 
  2. Respect – We realize that everyone is different yet treat them as equals.
  3. Teamwork –  We have a servant’s heart and go to heroic lengths to meet the needs of others.
  4. Excellence – We demand of ourselves uncompromising quality. 


  1. Be prompt – You must be in your seat before the tardy bell rings.
  2. Be prepared – Always bring appropriate materials and supplies to class and take care of any business before the tardy bell rings.  
  3. Be polite – Respectful behavior is expected toward the teacher (or substitute) and fellow students.  All students are expected to use the correct posture, stay alert, and to keep all personal grooming aids and tasks outside of class. We will respect the rights, feelings, and property of others.
  4. Be productive – Follow directions the first time they are given.  Complete all assignments neatly and on time. You must remain in your seat and wait to be dismissed by the teacher.  
  5. Be positive – Your attitude affects everything that you do.  You will maintain self-control and choose kind.

This classroom is a NO WHINING ZONE! That means there won’t be whining for ANY reason!   Everything I do is in your best interest, so please respect the NO WHINING ZONE.


  • Warning – Contact home
  • 2nd  – Morning Detention with Ms. Noble from 7:20 – 7:50 and contact home
  • 3rd   – Office Referral


Absences and Make-Up Work

Your FIRST place to check for any work you missed is my blog! Do NOT ask me first because I will simply point you to the blog.  A QR code is provided inside my classroom door.

Handouts and other copies distributed in your absence can be found in the homework notebook.  Each class has a divider, so your work can easily be found.  Most everything is in the Google Classroom, but if you can’t find what you are looking for check the homework notebook.

Weekly lesson plan is posted on the blog. Check this to see what you missed. I update my blog often.

You have one day for each day absent to make up work. After that, it will follow the late grading policy.

It is the student’s responsibility to get and complete make-up work!

Written Work:

Your written work is an extension of yourself.  I expect excellence in everything you do; therefore, the following is a list of rules and the “penalties” I will deduct from papers:

  • Students must turn in all written work in ink (any color except yellow). I cannot grade what I cannot read, so do NOT use a pencil.
  • Students must write in complete sentences which include the following: subject, verb, and complete thought.  Sentences must begin with a capital letter and end with punctuation. It is a fragment otherwise and will be counted as incorrect.
  • Students must turn in all papers with the proper MLA heading and title (-5 points if no name is included; +1 point if it is all included correctly)

MLA Heading: The MLA heading goes on the top, LEFT side of your paper next to the margin. 

Your Name

Instructor Name

Subject (not class period)


Title:  Put the name of your assignment centered on the top line. 

  • Formal essays and projects need to be typed. Anything typed MUST be double line spaced, in Times New Roman, 12 pt font with 1” margins.


White Oak High School Grading Procedures

  • In English, daily grades count 40% of your total quarter grade. You will receive full credit when work is turned in complete and on-time.  Late work received one day past the due date will receive a grade no higher than a 70.  Late work received two days past the due date will receive a grade no higher than a 50. No late work will be accepted for credit 3 days or longer after the due date.  This is a school-wide policy.
  • In English, each major grade counts 60% of your total quarter grade. If a student submits a late major project, essay, or other assignment that counts as a test grade, 20 points will be deducted from the major grade for each day it is late.


  • Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. You will receive a zero on the assignment or test and a possible office referral.
  • Unattributed use of AI-generated content, over-reliance on AI for your work, or using AI to avoid reading or analysis will be considered violations of our academic integrity policy.

    In order to verify that you have genuinely learned from the assignment and have not resorted to using AI or cheating you should be able to discuss the topic verbally and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of anything submitted. An inability to support/extend your work through conversation or extension questions will demonstrate a need to relearn the material and provide new evidence of the learning.

Writer’s Notebook

Students will use one of their composition notebooks as a note-taking book.  You will take notes as we work through the various standards assigned by the state of Texas, utilize mnemonic devices, and create study aids.

This MUST be brought to class every day!!!