January 29

Lesson Plans: February 1 – 5

Honors English I

2/1  Silas Marner – Students will read chapter 1, building their study guide as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 2/12

2/2  LTOTW:  personification; Silas Marner – Students will read chapters 2-3, building their study guide as they go

2/3  Silas Marner – Students will read chapters 4-6, building their study guide as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday

2/4  Counselor Visit

2/5  Silas Marner – Students will read chapters 7-8, building their study guide as they go

English I

2/1 SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 2/12

2/2  LTOTW:  personification; Night GimKit review for TEST Tomorrow

2/3  Night TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE Friday

2/4  Counselor Visit

2/5  Sustained Silent Reading for Book Talks DUE 3/3

January 22

Lesson Plans: January 25 – 29

Honors English I

1/25  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Night – Students will complete their One-Pager project DUE Tuesday

1/26  LTOTW:  irony (verbal/situational/dramatic); Write Like a Pro – Students will take notes over and practice the usage of tips to improve their writing

1/27  PLC Day (1/2 day for students); Write Like a Pro – Students will continue their practice in using the tips to improve writing

1/28  Silas Marner introduction and Author Background Research

1/29  Silas Marner:  Journal Study Guide discussion and expectations; complete author background research

English I

1/25  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Night – Students will read chapter 4, considering study questions as they go

1/26  LTOTW:  irony (verbal/situational/dramatic); Night – Students will read chapters 5 & 6, considering study questions as they go

1/27  PLC Day (1/2 day for students)

1/28  Night – Students will read chapters 7 – 9, considering study questions as they go

1/29  Night – Students will review the memoir and compile study materials on characters, conflicts, and plot events for the TEST Wednesday 2/3

January 19

Lesson Plans: January 18 – 22

Honors English I

1/18  NO SCHOOL:  Martin Luther King, Jr Day

1/19  LTOTW:  Denotation/Connotation; Night:  Students will read chapters 7-9 answering study questions as they go

1/20  Night:  Students will study Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and locate examples of each in memoir and receive instructions/rubric for their One-Pager project DUE Monday 1/25; SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST Friday

1/21  Night:  Students will work on character and conflict charts in review for TEST on Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST Tomorrow

1/22 TEST over Night and SAT Vocabulary List 6; One-Pager DUE Monday

English I

1/18  NO SCHOOL:  Martin Luther King, Jr Day

1/19  LTOTW:  Denotation/Connotation; Night:  As a class, we will read chapter 1 and students will work through study questions

1/20  Night:  As a class, we will begin reading chapters 2 & 3 and students will work through study questions

1/21  Night:  As a class we will finish reading chapters 2 & 3 and students will complete study questions; SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST Tomorrow

1/22  TEST over SAT Vocabulary List 6

January 8

Lesson Plans January 11 – 15

Honors English I

1/11  SNOW DAY!

1/12  LTOTW – symbolism; SAT Vocabulary List 6 – flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 1/22; Night – read chapter 1, answering study questions as we go

1/13  Night – read chapters 2-3, answering study questions as we go

1/14  Night – read chapter 4, answering study questions as we go; SAT Vocab Flashcards List 6 DUE Tomorrow

1/15  Night – read chapters 5-6, answering study questions as we go

English I

1/11  SNOW DAY!

1/12  LTOTW – symbolism; ; SAT Vocabulary List 6 – flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 1/22

1/13  Night – Background Research DUE Friday

1/14  Night – Background Research DUE Tomorrow; SAT Vocab Flashcards List 6 DUE Tomorrow

1/15  Night – read chapter 1, answering study questions as we go

January 4

Lesson Plans January 4 – 8

Honors English I

1/4  Teacher Workday

1/5  LTOTW – extended metaphor; Grammar:  Comma Rules 1-3 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/6  Grammar:  Comma Rules 4-6 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/7  Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ on Tuesday 1/12; Begin Background Research for memoir, Night DUE Monday

1/8  Library/Reading Day for 3rd Quarter Book Talks week of 3/8; Background Research for memoir, Night DUE Monday

English I

1/4  Teacher Workday

1/5  LTOTW – extended metaphor; Grammar:  Comma Rules 1-2 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/6  Grammar:  Comma Rules 3-4 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/7  Grammar:  Comma Rules 5-6 – Students will take notes and work through sentences practicing the correct use of commas

1/8  Library/Reading Day for 3rd Quarter Book Talks week of 3/8