August 15

WOHS English Department Policy

White Oak High School

English Department Policy 

Welcome to White Oak High School and the world of English Language Arts, which includes four years of English courses. We are so excited to have the privilege to teach important language arts skills and share our enjoyment and enthusiasm as fellow readers and writers. It is the English department’s desire to equip students with the readiness and supporting skills needed for entry into college or the skilled workforce.

According to the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards, “employers want their employees to be able to: 

    • -read and communicate well 


  • -have a fundamental knowledge of American culture and the world beyond               
  • -think critically and adjust to rapidly changing work environments.


Because these college and career readiness standards focus precisely on a strong foundation of knowledge and intellectual skills, including intellectual nimbleness and adaptability, they will serve equally well those students heading to college or to the workforce.” 

To help students achieve such success, it is our goal to provide challenging and engaging content that allows our students to think critically, raise questions, share and present ideas, and learn time-management. Teacher and students work very hard during class time to instruct, learn, conduct guided practice of these skills, and give/receive feedback; however, homework will, at times, be assigned to finish an in-class assignment, complete a major project or paper, or provide independent skill practice. The following policies help to frame and direct such goals: 

  1. General homework policy: We recognize that our students have other classes and requirements to fulfill, so we strive to be reasonable and allow adequate time for completion of any outside assignments. Homework assignments will be clearly explained in class. These assignments will also be posted on our blog pages so that students can always be informed of deadlines, process checks, and other requirements. As a reminder, our Enrichment period gives students time to work on any homework assignments during the school day.
  2. Late homework policy: The White Oak High School grading policy assigns a weight of 60% for test grades (including major assignments) and 40% for daily assignments. In the English department, assignments are considered one day late if they are not submitted the period that they are due. If a student submits a daily assignment one day late, the highest grade the student can receive is a 70. If a student submits a daily assignment two days late, the highest grade the student can receive is a 50. After two days late, the student will receive a zero for that assignment. The “late deadline” will be subject to the teacher’s individual grading policy for particular assignments. If a student submits a late major project, written composition, or other assignment that will count as a test grade, 20 points will be deducted from the major grade for each day it is late.
  3. Absent-work policy: According to the high school absence policy, for each day a student is absent for any reason, he/she has one day to complete the assignment and submit this to the teacher. If a student is absent for more than just one day, it is wise to contact the school and request homework from the teachers. 
  4. Tutoring schedule: Teachers are available before school for any questions or tutoring a student might need. We are here to help students and will gladly answer questions or address concerns a student might have. Please refer to each teacher’s tutoring schedule provided in the classroom information handout. 
  5. All TESTS must be completed during the class period. Students will not be allowed to finish the following school day except in the cases of extenuating circumstances (illness, parent pick-up, early dismissal for school activity).
  6. Academic integrity policy: Conduct prohibited by this policy consists of all forms of academic dishonesty:

Cheating – taking or using someone else’s work (whether for a test, quiz, or daily assignment) and “passing it off” as one’s own work

Giving homework to another student and consequently participating as an accomplice in cheating.

Doing homework for another student or in any way not using an honest work ethic

Plagiarismsubmitting academic work that has previously been submitted or simultaneously submitted without citation of the original work or authorization of the source of ownership.

    In addition to deception, if a student cheats, he or she breaks trust with the teacher and/or classmates and denies himself/herself the opportunity to practice and master the important skills taught in this course. 

Consequences for such academic dishonesty include:

  • A grade of “0” given on the test or assignment without the possibility of making up this grade
  • A report filed with the principal
  • A phone call informing the parents of the violation
  • In-school suspension (which results in the loss of all exemptions)


Thank you for carefully reading and complying with the English department policy. We give our assurance that we will work hard with and for each and every student to help him/her achieve great learning gains and preparedness for the next level. We anticipate many great days of learning and growing together here in Roughneck Land.

The White Oak High School English Department,
Gay Noble, Samantha Sims, Stacy Shellhorse, Pam Lattin