February 5

Lesson Plans: February 5 – 9

Honors English I

2/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Write Like a Pro

2/6  LTOTW:  paradox; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Introductory Paragraph Writing

2/7  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  It says/It means practice

2/8  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

2/9  EOC Reading Passage Practice; Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

English I

2/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Introductory Paragraph and Thesis statement notes and practice

2/6  LTOTW:  paradox; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Introductory Paragraph Writing

2/7  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraph notes and It says/It means practice

2/8  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

2/9  EOC Reading Passage Practice; Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

January 8

Lesson Plans: January 8 – 12

Honors English I  & English I

1/8  Teacher Workday

1/9  LTOTW:  allusion; Review Classroom Expectations; EOC Editing Practice

1/10  Night:  Students will do author background research on Elie Wiesel before beginning the study of his memoir

1/11  EOC Editing Practice Review; Night:  Students will read chapter 1 as a class, answering study questions as we go

1/12  Night:  Students will read chapters 2 & 3 as a class, answering study questions as we go

December 8

Lesson Plans: December 11 – 15

Honors English I

12/11  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Binders DUE Wednesday and Unit Exam Wednesday

12/12  LTOTW:  2nd Quarter Chart is DUE; Greek Mythology:  Binders DUE tomorrow and Unit Exam tomorrow

12/13  Greek Mythology Exam; Binders DUE

12/14  Counselor Visit

12/15  Semester Exam Review

English I

12/11  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 9 weeks review for TEST on Wednesday

12/12  LTOTW:  2nd Quarter Chart is DUE; 9 weeks review for TEST tomorrow

12/13  9 Weeks Exam

12/14  Counselor Visit

12/15  Semester Exam Review

November 27

Lesson Plans: November 27 – December 1

Honors English I

11/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8; Greek Mythology:  Students will read the myth of Psyche & Eros, completing notes and character flashcards as they go over Psyche, Eros (different from day 1), Aphrodite, and Zephyrus along with QuickWrite #4

11/28  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8; Greek Mythology:  Students will read the myth of Daedalus, completing notes and character flashcards as they go over Daedalus, Icarus, Minos, and Minotaur

11/29  SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8; Greek Mythology:  Students will read the myth of Narcissus and Echo, completing notes and character flashcards as they go over both Narcissus and Echo along with QuickWrite #5

11/30  SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Tomorrow 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8; Greek Mythology:  Students will read the myth of Orpheus, completing notes and character flashcards as they go over Orpheus, Eurydice, Aristeus along with QuickWrite #6

12/1  SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Today TEST Friday 12/8; Greek Mythology:  Students will read the myth of Midas, completing notes and character flashcards as they go over Midas and Apollo

English I

11/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8

11/28  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Sentence Structure:  Students will work to identify simple, compound, and complex sentences TEST Thursday 11/30; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8

11/29  Sentence Structure:  Students will review the different structures of sentences in preparation for TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8

11/30  Sentence Structure TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Tomorrow TEST Friday 12/8

12/1  Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected texts

October 17

Lesson Plans: October 16 – 20

Honors English I & English I

10/16  NO SCHOOL

10/17  Band Competition Day; Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected texts

10/18  LTOTW:  personification; Author Background Research:  Amy Tan

10/19  “Rules of the Game”  Students will read the selected chapter from Amy Tan’s novel The Joy Luck Club focusing on personification, imagery, and theme for literary analysis

10/20  “Rules of the Game”  Students will complete literary analysis over the chapter


September 4

Lesson Plans: September 4 – 8

Honors English I

9/4  NO SCHOOL:  Labor Day

9/5  LTOTW:  antihero; Raisin in the Sun: reading check over Act II Scene 1 & 2 then begin reading Scene 3

9/6  Parts of Speech:  Students will identify subjects and verbs in sentences;  Raisin in the Sun:  students will finish reading Act II Scene 3

9/7  Raisin in the Sun:  students will read Act III

9/8  Raisin in the Sun:  students will finish reading Act III and begin completing the Major Works Data Sheet

English I

9/4  NO SCHOOL:  Labor Day

9/5  LTOTW:  antihero;  Personal Narrative:  Students will discuss literary analysis questions and work on short constructed responses to “The Pie” in small groups

9/6  Personal Narrative:  Students will complete their literary analysis questions, working on short constructed responses to “The Pie”

9/7  Personal Narrative: Students will choose a topic for their own personal narrative before beginning a Story Arc

9/8  Personal Narrative:  Students will complete their Story Arc to be turned in Monday; Sustained Silent Reading:  students will silently read their self-selected text from the library

April 1

Lesson Plans: April 4 – 8

Honors English I

4/4 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Shakespeare Background Research Project

4/5  End of Course Exam

4/6  LTOTW:  tragedy; Shakespeare Background Research Project

4/7  Shakespeare Background Research Project Presentations

4/8  Shakespeare Background Research Project Presentations for those who are in class but haven’t presented; Shakespearean Sonnets:  Students will take notes over Shakespearean Sonnets, read a couple to notice the distinctions, and then write their own

English I

4/4 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Prep Discussion

4/5  End of Course Exam

4/6  LTOTW:  tragedy; Shakespeare Background Research

4/7  Shakespearean Sonnets:  Students will take notes over Shakespearean Sonnets, read a couple to notice the distinctions and then write their own

4/8  Shakespearean Sonnets:  Students will complete their sonnet; Reading Day:  Students will read their self-selected novel for Book Talks in May


February 13

Lesson Plans: February 14 – 18

Honors English I

2/14  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Expository Essay:  Students will highlight the various parts of their rough draft for organization and development; Silas Marner:  Students will receive the expectations for the novel unit and begin the author background research

2/15  LTOTW:  pun; Expository Essay:  Students will begin writing their final draft DUE Thursday; Silas Marner:  Students will read chapter 1, building their study materials as they go

2/16 1/2 Day of School; Silas Marner:  Students will read chapters 2-3, building their study materials as they go

2/17  Silas Marner:  Students will read chapter 4, building their study materials as they go

2/18  Silas Marner:  Students will read chapters 5-6, building their study materials as they go

English I

2/14  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Expository Essay:  Students will take notes over the introductory paragraph and brainstorm hook ideas before writing their introductory paragraph; each student will conference with teacher over first body paragraph written last week

2/15  LTOTW:  pun; Expository Essay:  Students will review the organization of a body paragraph (TEXXEXXT method) and conclusion before writing their remaining body paragraphs

2/16   1/2 Day of School:  Students will read their self-selected novels for Book Talks Feb 28 & Mar 1

2/17  Expository Essay:  Students will write their last two body paragraphs for their essay, following their thesis statement

2/18  Expository Essay:  Students will take notes over a conclusion paragraph before writing one to complete their expository essay; if time, students will highlight the various parts of their essay for organization and development

February 6

Lesson Plans: February 7 – 11

Honors English I

2/7  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Expository Writing: Students will review the grading rubric, take notes over construction of expository essay, and practice creating an outline for writing

2/8  LTOTW:  onomatopoeia; Expository Writing:  Students will complete notes over outlines begun yesterday, and brainstorm ideas for hooks

2/9  Expository Writing:  Students will choose a prompt and begin crafting their outline for an expository essay

2/10 Expository Writing:  Students will follow their outline and begin writing a rough draft of an expository essay; GimKit review for Vocab List 7 TEST tomorrow

2/11  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST

English I

2/7  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Review Comma Rules 1-6 for QUIZ Tomorrow

2/8  LTOTW:  onomatopoeia; Comma Rules QUIZ

2/9  Expository Writing:  Students will be introduced to TEXXEXXT method of paragraph writing

2/10  Expository Writing:  Students will follow the TEXXEXXT method and write a paragraph in response to provided prompt; GimKit review for Vocab List 7 TEST tomorrow

2/11  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST

January 3

Lesson Plans: January 3 – 7

Honors English I

1/3  NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday

1/4  LTOTW:  parody; Grammar:  Comma Rules #1-3  Students will take notes over the first three comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/5  Grammar:  Comma Rules #4-6  Students will take notes over the next three comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/6  Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11; Night:  Students will begin background research over the author and setting for the memoir

1/7  Library Visit to check out book for 3rd Quarter Book Talks to be completed by March 1; Night:  Students will continue background research over the author and setting for the memoir

English I

1/3  NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday

1/4  LTOTW:  parody; Grammar:  Comma Rules #1-2  Students will take notes over the first two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/5  Grammar:  Comma Rules #3-4  Students will take notes over the next two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/6 Grammar:  Comma Rules #5-6  Students will take notes over the next two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/7  Library Visit to check out book for 3rd Quarter Book Talks to be completed by March 1; Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ Tuesday