January 27

January 27 – 31

Pre-AP English I

1/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 100th Day of School activities

1/28  LTOTW:  mood; How to Write an Introduction – students will take notes over how to write an introductory paragraph and practice writing a hook, bridge, and thesis statement

1/29 How to Write an Introduction – students will review each other’s introductory paragraphs for their collaborative essay

1/30 Collaborative Writing – How to Write a Conclusion – students will review the TEXXEXXT style of writing body paragraphs before they take notes on how to write a conclusion paragraph and practice the restatement, answer the “so what”, and write a kicker

1/31  Collaborative Writing – in small groups, students will write an essay in response to the novel, Night: they will use a Google doc which they have shared with one another and me

English I

1/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 100th Day of School activities

1/28  LTOTW:  mood; Night – students will read chapter 6 together in class, answering study questions as they go; Chap 4-6 study questions are DUE Thursday

1/29 1/2 Day; SSR – students will read in preparation for Book Talks 3/3 & 3/4

1/30 Night – students will read chapters 7-9 together in class, answering study questions as they go; Chap 7-9 study questions are DUE Tomorrow; TEST Monday

1/31 Night – students will review in class for the TEST on Monday


January 20

January 20 – 24

Pre-AP English I

1/20  NO SCHOOL – MLK, Jr. Day

1/21  LTOTW:  irony (verbal/situational/dramatic); Night – students will read chapter 6 and complete a dialectical journal entry while entries for chapters through 5 are checked; TEST on Friday 1/24

1/22  Night – students will read chapters 7-9 and complete a dialectical journal entry for each while entries for chapter 6 are checked; TEST on Friday 1/24

1/23  Night – dialectical journal entries for chapters 7-9 are checked while students review and study for test tomorrow; SAT Vocab List 6 TEST Tomorrow

1/24  Night & Vocab List 6 TEST

English I

1/20  NO SCHOOL – MLK, Jr. Day

1/21  LTOTW:  irony (verbal/situational/dramatic); Night – class will read chapter 3 as a group and answer study questions individually; HOMEWORK:  finish chapter 3

1/22  Night – class will review study questions for chapters 1-3 and begin reading chapters 4 & 5 as a group, answering study questions individually; HOMEWORK:  Vocabulary List 6 TEST on Friday

1/23  Night – class will complete chapter 5 and begin reading chapter 6 as a group, answering study questions individually; HOMEWORK:  Vocabulary List 6 TEST Tomorrow

1/24  SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST; Night – students will finish reading chapter 6 and answer study questions

January 13

January 13 – 17

Pre AP English I

1/13  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Comma Rules review – QUIZ Thursday 1/16; SAT Vocabulary List 6 is posted in Google Classroom – flashcards are DUE Friday 1/17 and TEST is Friday 1/24; Night – Dialectical Journaling notes and expectations for novel unit

1/14  LTOTW – imagery; Night – Introduction to novel and author; Common Lit – “The Perils of Indifference”; Comma Rules QUIZ Thursday 1/16

1/15  Night – Chapter 1; Comma Rules QUIZ Tomorrow; SAT Vocab List 6 flashcards DUE Friday

1/16  Comma Rules QUIZ; Night – Chapters 2-3; SAT Vocab List 6 flashcards DUE Tomorrow

1/17  Night – Chapters 4-5

English I

1/13  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Comma Rules review – QUIZ Thursday 1/16; SAT Vocabulary List 6 is posted in Google Classroom – flashcards are DUE Friday 1/17 and TEST is Friday 1/24

1/14  LTOTW – imagery; Night – Introduction to novel and author; Comma Rules QUIZ Thursday 1/16

1/15 Night – Chapter 1 students will read together in class, answering study questions as we go; Comma Rules QUIZ Tomorrow; SAT Vocab List 6 flashcards DUE Friday

1/16 Comma Rules QUIZ; Night – Continue Chapter 1 students will read together in class, answering study questions as we go

1/17 Night – Chapters 2-3 students will read together in class, answering study questions as we go

January 6

January 6 – 10

Pre AP English I & English I

1/6  NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday

1/7  LTOTW:  idiom; Policy & Procedures Review; Comma Rules #1-4:  Students will take notes and work with practice sentences

1/8  Comma Rules #5-8:  Students will take notes and work with practice sentences

1/9  Comma Rules:  Students will create a Quizlet over the comma rules and create original sentences utilizing those rules

1/10  Book Talks:  Students will visit the library to check out a book for this quarter’s Book Talks which will be heard by March 4th & 5th