October 23

Lesson Plans: October 26 – 30

Honors English I

10/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Complements Review for TEST Tomorrow; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 5 & 6 in class, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/27  LTOTW:  idiom; Grammar:  Complements TEST; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 7 & 8 in class, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/28  1/2 Day of School for PLC; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde work day

10/29 Micro-Fiction around the campfire; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 9 & 10, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Tomorrow

10/30  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will continue read chapters 9 & 10, answering study questions as they go

English I

10/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Complements Review for TEST Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/27  LTOTW:  idiom; Grammar:  Complements TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/28  1/2 Day of School for PLC; GimKit Vocabulary Review

10/29  Micro-Fiction around the campfire; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Tomorrow

10/30  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST

October 19

Lesson Plans: October 19 – 23

Honors English I

10/19  NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!

10/20  LTOTW:  diction; Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will begin their novel study with background research on Robert Louis Stevenson; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30

10/21  Jekyll & Hyde:  Unit introduction and expectations; Students will read chapter 1, answering study questions as they go

10/22  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will read chapters 2 & 3, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow

10/23  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will read chapter 4, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30

English I

10/19  NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!

10/20  LTOTW:  diction; Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Review, QUIZ tomorrow; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30

10/21  Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives

10/22  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow

10/23  Sustained Silent Reading of Self-Selected Novel; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30

October 12

Lesson Plans: October 12 – 16

Honors English I

10/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Students will organize binders which are DUE tomorrow, study for TEST tomorrow, and review TEXXEXXT method of writing along with the essay grading rubric in preparation for in-class essay writing on Wednesday

10/13  LTOTW:  archetype;  Greek Mythology:  Unit TEST

10/14  Greek Mythology:  Essay TEST

10/15  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over complements focusing on direct and indirect objects

10/16  SSR/Book Talks:  Students will go to the library to choose new book for the quarter; Parts of Speech:  Students will practice locating direct and indirect objects in sentences

English I

10/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Author Bio Research:  Students will begin using research skills to locate information about author Maya Angelou in preparation for reading a piece of her work

10/13  LTOTW:  archetype; Edgenuity:  Students will begin the unit on “I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings” in Edgenuity

10/14  Edgenuity:  Students will complete the unit on “I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings” in Edgenuity

10/15  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over complements focusing on direct and indirect objects

10/16  SSR/Book Talks:  Students will go to the library to choose new book for the quarter; Parts of Speech:  Students will practice locating direct and indirect objects in sentences

October 2

Lesson Plans: October 5 – 9

Honors English I

10/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise:  students will complete the daily exercise and turn in all from this quarter; Greek Mythology:  Perseus notesheet with 8 flashcards – Binder DUE 10/13, TEST 10/13; Book Talks (test grade) 10/7 & 8

10/6  LTOTW:  mood – students will add this last term and definition to their 1st quarter chart and then submit it through the Google Classroom; Greek Mythology:  continue the myth of Perseus – Binder DUE 10/13, TEST 10/13; Book Talks (test grade) 10/7 & 8

10/7  Greek Mythology:  QuickWrite #8; Book Talks and 9 weeks Test Review

10/8  Book Talks and 9 weeks Test Review

10/9  9 Weeks Test; Greek Mythology Binder DUE 10/13, TEST 10/13

English I

10/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise:  students will complete the daily exercise and turn in all from this quarter; Parts of Speech Review; 9 Weeks Test on Friday

10/6  LTOTW:  mood – students will add this last term and definition to their 1st quarter chart and then submit it through the Google Classroom; Parts of Speech GimKit Review

10/7  Book Talks and 9 weeks Test Review

10/8  Book Talks and 9 weeks Test Review

10/9  9 Weeks Test