Lesson Plans: September 4 – 8
Honors English I
9/4 NO SCHOOL: Labor Day
9/5 LTOTW: antihero; Raisin in the Sun: reading check over Act II Scene 1 & 2 then begin reading Scene 3
9/6 Parts of Speech: Students will identify subjects and verbs in sentences; Raisin in the Sun: students will finish reading Act II Scene 3
9/7 Raisin in the Sun: students will read Act III
9/8 Raisin in the Sun: students will finish reading Act III and begin completing the Major Works Data Sheet
English I
9/4 NO SCHOOL: Labor Day
9/5 LTOTW: antihero; Personal Narrative: Students will discuss literary analysis questions and work on short constructed responses to “The Pie” in small groups
9/6 Personal Narrative: Students will complete their literary analysis questions, working on short constructed responses to “The Pie”
9/7 Personal Narrative: Students will choose a topic for their own personal narrative before beginning a Story Arc
9/8 Personal Narrative: Students will complete their Story Arc to be turned in Monday; Sustained Silent Reading: students will silently read their self-selected text from the library