January 31

Lesson Plans: January 31 – February 4

Honors English I

1/31  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Comma Rules #1-6 review for Quiz tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE 2/4 and TEST 2/11

2/1  LTOTW:  nemesis; Comma Rule QUIZ

2/2 Counselor Visit regarding transcripts and scheduling for sophomore year

2/3  Expository Writing

2/4  Expository Writing

English I

1/31  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE 2/4 and TEST 2/11

2/1  LTOTW:  nemesis; Comma Rules #5-6 – Students will add the last two comma rules to their journals before adding commas to sentences and writing original sentences following these rules

2/2  Counselor Visit regarding transcripts and scheduling for sophomore year

2/3  Comma Rules #1-6 review for QUIZ tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 2/11

2/4  Comma Rules QUIZ; Reading Day for Book Talks on February 28 & March 1

January 24

Lesson Plans: January 23 – 27

Honors English I

1/23  Night – review for TEST tomorrow

1/24 Night TEST

1/25  1/2 Day of School – PLC Day for teachers; Students will read novels for Book Talks

1/26  Comma Rules 1-3 – Students will review these rules and use them in their writing

1/27  Comma Rules 4-6 – Students will review these rules and use them in their writing

English I

1/23  Night – review for TEST tomorrow

1/24 Night TEST

1/25  1/2 Day of School – PLC Day for teachers; Students will read novels for Book Talks

1/26  Comma Rules 1-2  – Students will review these rules and use them in their writing

1/27  Comma Rules 3-4 – Students will review these rules and use them in their writing


January 18

Lesson Plans: January 17 – 21

Honors English I

1/17  NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr Birthday

1/18  LTOTW:  denotation/connotation; Night:  One Pager assignment explained DUE Monday 1/24, review for TEST Monday 1/24

1/19  Night Students will work on One Pager assignment; review for TEST Monday 1/24

1/20  SAT Vocabulary List 6 Review

1/21  SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST

English I

1/17  NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr Birthday

1/18  LTOTW:  denotation/connotation; Night: Students will read chapter 6, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST Friday

1/19  Night: Students will read chapters 7-9, answering study questions as they go TEST Tuesday; SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST Friday

1/20  SAT Vocabulary List 6 Review

1/21  SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST

January 10

Lesson Plans: January 10 – 14

Honors English I

1/10  Comma Rules:  Students will review the six comma rules in preparation for QUIZ tomorrow; Night:  Students will read chapter 4, building study packet as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday, 1/14; TEST Friday 1/21

1/11 LTOTW:  symbolism; Night:  Students will read chapter 5, building study packet as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday, 1/14; TEST Friday 1/21

1/12  Night:  Students will read chapter 6, building study packet as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday, 1/14; TEST Friday 1/21

1/13 Night:  Students will read chapter 7-9, building study packet as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Tomorrow; TEST Friday 1/21

1/14 Night: Students will have a work day completing their study packet; Library Visit to check out a book for 3rd quarter Book Talks

English I

1/10 Review classroom expectations both academic and behavior; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday; TEST Friday 1/21

1/11 LTOTW:  symbolism; Night:  Students will take a reading quiz over chapters 1-3; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday, 1/14; TEST Friday 1/21

1/12 Night:  As a class, students will read chapter 4, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday, 1/14; TEST Friday 1/21

1/13 Night:  As a class, students will read chapter 5, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Tomorrow; TEST Friday 1/21

1/14 Night: Students will have a reading day catching up with reading through chapter 5 and answering study questions; Library Visit to check out a book for 3rd quarter Book Talks

January 3

Lesson Plans: January 3 – 7

Honors English I

1/3  NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday

1/4  LTOTW:  parody; Grammar:  Comma Rules #1-3  Students will take notes over the first three comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/5  Grammar:  Comma Rules #4-6  Students will take notes over the next three comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/6  Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11; Night:  Students will begin background research over the author and setting for the memoir

1/7  Library Visit to check out book for 3rd Quarter Book Talks to be completed by March 1; Night:  Students will continue background research over the author and setting for the memoir

English I

1/3  NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday

1/4  LTOTW:  parody; Grammar:  Comma Rules #1-2  Students will take notes over the first two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/5  Grammar:  Comma Rules #3-4  Students will take notes over the next two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/6 Grammar:  Comma Rules #5-6  Students will take notes over the next two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/7  Library Visit to check out book for 3rd Quarter Book Talks to be completed by March 1; Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ Tuesday