April 27 – May 8
Pre AP English I & English I
Think About it Thursday: Please be watching the Google Classroom for the weekly quotes. You will write your paragraph reflections and turn them in there.
Literary Term of the Week: The new chart for the 4th quarter literary terms is in the Google Classroom. I will share the new terms and their definitions in the lesson plans posted here on my blog. After you enter these last two terms, please turn in your 4th quarter chart.
- Pun: a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words
- Satire: when a piece of writing is making fun of a human weakness or character flaw. In general, even though satire might be humorous and may “make fun,” its purpose is not to entertain and amuse but to derive a reaction of contempt from the reader.
SAT Vocabulary: It is time for our last list…list 10. The list has some modified instructions since we are online. You will submit your flashcards in the Google Classroom either through screenshots, Google Slides, or a Quizlet link. Let me know what questions you may have. Flashcards are due Friday the 8th.
Literature: We will continue to read selected scenes from Romeo & Juliet! Those scenes include the following: Act I Scenes 1, 4, & 5; Act II Scenes 2 & 5; Act III Scenes 1 & 5; Act IV Scenes 1 & 4; Act V Scenes 1 & 3. The full text is available online at this link https://bit.ly/RomeoandJulietfulltext or you may choose to read the No Fear Shakespeare version which provides the original text and a modern translation side-by-side at this link https://bit.ly/NoFearShakespeareRomeoandJuliet.
- There will be study questions for each selected scene posted in the Google Classroom with individual due dates.
- I will also host an online reading through Zoom Monday through Friday at 11:00 a.m. I will post the link for that meeting in the Google Classroom, on my blog, and if possible, through Remind.
- If you would like to be assigned a role to read aloud, please contact me. I’ll do my best to get everyone the part they would like.
SSR/Book Talk Reading: Please spend at least 30 minutes each week reading. You will use Flipgrid for your 4th quarter Book Talk. That link will be posted in the Google Classroom. You may record your book talk anytime by May 8th.
Pre-AP English I only
Romeo & Juliet: There is one additional assignment for Pre-AP students as follows:
- Memorization of Act I Prologue DUE 5/8 I will post a Flipgrid link for you to record your recitation.
I miss you all very much! Be well and wash your hands!