February 24 – 28
Pre-AP English I
2/24 MUGshot Monday: editing exercise; EOC Writing Passage Practice as a class; Silas Marner Quiz over chapters 12-18; HOMEWORK: Silas Marner reading chapters 19-Conclusion; Journal is DUE Wednesday 2/26
2/25 LTOTW: oxymoron; EOC Expository Essay Writing: students will review sections of the graphic organizer and plan sheet and then begin work on Silas Marner essay (TEST Grade); HOMEWORK: Silas Marner journal DUE Tomorrow
2/26 Silas Marner EOC Expository Essay Writing: students will complete and submit their essay
2/27 EOC Benchmark: students will take an English I EOC mock exam.
2/28 EOC Benchmark: students will take an English I EOC mock exam.
English I
2/24 MUGshot Monday: editing exercise; Writing Passage practice: students will work through a revising and editing packet and submit answers into DMAC
2/25 LTOTW: oxymoron;
2/26 1/2 Day
2/27 EOC Benchmark: students will take an English I EOC mock exam.
2/28 EOC Benchmark: students will take an English I EOC mock exam.