April 27

Lesson Plans: April 24 – 28

Honors English I & English I

4/24  Romeo & Juliet: Students will recite the Act I Prologue

4/25  English I EOC Review and Preparation

4/26  English I EOC

4/27  Romeo & Juliet: Students will read Act II Prologue – Scene 2

4/28  Romeo & Juliet: Students will read Act II Scenes 3-4

April 17

Lesson Plans: April 17 – 21

Honors English I

4/17  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Romeo & Juliet:  Students will be introduced to expectations of study questions and One Question Quizzers and assigned parts before reading Act 1 Prologue – Act I Scene 1; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/18  LTOTW:  soliloquy; Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scenes 2-3; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/19  Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scene 4  Queen Mab assignment; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/20  SAT Vocabulary List 10 GimKit review for TEST tomorrow; Romeo & Juliet:  Work on Queen Mab assignment and study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

4/21  SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST; Romeo & Juliet:  Complete Queen Mab assignment and study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

English I

4/17  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Romeo & Juliet:  Students will be introduced to expectations of study questions and One Question Quizzers and assigned parts before reading Act 1 Prologue – Act I Scene 1; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/18  LTOTW:  soliloquy; Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scenes 2-3; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/19  Romeo & Juliet:  1QQ; Act I Scene 4; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/20  SAT Vocabulary List 10 GimKit review for TEST tomorrow; Romeo & Juliet:  study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

4/21  SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST; Romeo & Juliet:  study Act I Prologue to be recited Monday 4/24

April 11

Lesson Plans: April 10 – 14

Honors English I & English I


4/11  LTOTW: pun;  Informational Text:  students will read a non-fiction article and write a brief analysis

4/12  Shakespeare background research; SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 4/21

4/13  Shakespearean sonnets:  students will take notes over the characteristics of Shakespearean sonnets before writing their own in his style; SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 4/21

4/14  Students will complete their sonnet or analysis of informational text; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST next Friday, 4/21

March 27

Lesson Plans: March 27 – 31

Honors English I & English I

3/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Black Out Poetry; SAT Vocabulary List 9 flashcards DUE and TEST Friday 3/31

3/28  Black Out Poetry:  students will complete their poems; SAT Vocabulary List 9 TEST Friday 3/31

3/29  Acrostic Poetry; SAT Vocabulary List 9 TEST Friday 3/31

3/30  SAT Vocabulary List 9 GimKit Review for TEST tomorrow

3/31  SAT Vocabulary List 9 TEST

March 10

Lesson Plans: March 20 – 24

Honors English I & English I

3/20  SAT Vocabulary List 9:  Students will work on flashcards for the vocabulary words DUE next Monday and TEST on 3/31

3/21  LTOTW:  onomatopoeia; Poetry Annotation:  Students will take notes over annotating poetry and work through a poem as a class

3/22  Poetry Terms:  Students will work through defining various poetry terms before reading and annotating “O Captain! My Captain!”

3/23  Poetry:  Students will compare and contrast the poems “Stereo Hearts” and “A Red, Red Rose.”

3/24  SAT Vocabulary List 9:  Students will complete their flashcards for the vocabulary words DUE Monday and TEST on 3/31

March 6

Lesson Plans: March 6 – 10

Honors English I

3/6  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Silas Marner work day – dialectical journals DUE tomorrow and TEST Wednesday

3/7  LTOTW:  oxymoron; Silas Marner review for TEST tomorrow

3/8  Silas Marner TEST

3/9  Silas Marner literary analysis timed writing

3/10  Mental Recuperation after a challenging British literature text

English I

3/6  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Listen & Learn podcast “The Money Tree” – students will listen to a podcast on identity theft and respond to literary analysis questions

3/7  LTOTW:  oxymoron; Listen & Learn podcast “The Money Tree” – students will finish listening to a podcast on identity theft and respond to literary analysis questions

3/8  Direct & Indirect Characterization:  students will choose a character that we have studied this year and complete a body biography project based on direct and indirect information from literature

3/9 Direct & Indirect Characterization:  students will continue working on their body biography project

3/10 Direct & Indirect Characterization:  students will complete their body biography project

February 27

Lesson Plans: February 27 – March 3

Honors English I

2/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Silas Marner:  Students will read chapter 16; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

2/28  LTOTW:  oxymoron; Silas Marner:  students will read chapter 17; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

3/1  Silas Marner:  students will read chapters 18-19; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

3/2  SAT Vocabulary List 8 GimKit review for TEST tomorrow; Silas Marner:  students will read chapters 20-Conclusion with Dialectical Journal DUE Tuesday 3/7

3/3  SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST

English I

2/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 3rd Nine Weeks Review for TEST on Wednesday; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

2/28  LTOTW:  oxymoron; 3rd Nine Weeks GimKit Review assignment for TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

3/1  3rd Nine Weeks Exam

3/2  SAT Vocabulary List 8 GimKit review for TEST tomorrow

3/3  SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST

February 21

Lesson Plans: February 20 – 24

Honors English I

2/20  NO SCHOOL – President’s Day

2/21  LTOTW:  oxymoron; Silas Marner:  Students will read chapter 11, working on dialectical journal as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/24 TEST 3/3

2/22  English I EOC Benchmark

2/23  Silas Marner:  Students will read chapters 12-13, working on dialectical journal as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 3/3

2/24  Silas Marner:  Students will read chapters 14-15, working on dialectical journal as they go

English I

2/20  NO SCHOOL – President’s Day

2/21  LTOTW:  oxymoron; The Princess Bride:  Students will finish watching the movie; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/24 TEST 3/3

2/22  English I EOC Benchmark

2/24  The Princess Bride:  Students will begin literary analysis; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 3/3

2/25  The Princess Bride:  Students will complete their literary analysis

February 15

Lesson Plans: February 13 – 17

Honors English I

2/13  Silas Marner:  Students will read chapter 4, working on dialectical journal as they go

2/14  LTOTW:  mood; Silas Marner:  Students will read chapters 5-6, working on dialectical journal as they go

2/15  1/2 Day for students; catch up on reading and dialectical journal

2/16  Silas Marner:  Students will read chapters 7-8, working on dialectical journal as they go

2/17  Silas Marner:  Students will read chapters 9-10, working on dialectical journal as they go

English I

2/13  Author Background Research:  William Goldman

2/14  LTOTW:  mood; Fairy Tales argumentative essay comparison

2/15  Clear the zeros

2/16  The Princess Bride; students will watch movie and work on literary analysis

2/17  The Princess Bride; students will watch movie and work on literary analysis