July 29

Freshman Orientation

Join us on Monday, August 9 from 8 – 11:30 a.m. for orientation and UIL Academics introduction.  You will be able to find your classrooms, meet your teachers, and get a feel for the building before the first day!  I’m looking forward to meeting you!

July 12

21-22 Supply List for Freshman English

Every freshman will need the following items with them in class everyday:

Binder or folder with brads and pockets for English class only, 2 composition books, notebook paper, 200 3×5 index cards, large key ring for holding cards together (these will be your vocab flashcards for all 4 years of high school), pens (any color AND red), and 3 highlighters of different colors

Honors students will also need a 3-ring binder for the Greek Mythology unit.