September 30

September 30 – October 4

With the school assembly presentation last Monday and the early release last Wednesday, we are a little behind in our schedule.  English I:  The test scheduled for this Friday 10/4 will be moved to Wednesday 10/9.  Pre-AP English I:  Grammar TEST date to be determined.

Pre AP English I

9/30  MUGshot Monday – editing exercise; Grammar:  Phrases – Appositives  Students will take notes and work with sentences to identify appositives in Writing Coach book pg 363; Greek Mythology – Perseus  Students will read the myth, creating their notesheet and completing flashcards for the following characters:  Perseus, Danae, Acrisius, Medusa, Gray Sisters, Andromeda, Athena, Hermes

10/1  LTOTW – cliche; Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Infinitives; Greek Mythology – Perseus  Students will finish up this last myth along with their notesheet and flashcards

10/2  Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Participles; Greek Mythology -Students will do QuickWrite #8: If you were a god or goddess, what changes would you want to make to mankind?Would you want to be immortal or would you prefer to live a normal lifespan of 80-to-100 years? Explain your answers.

10/3  Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Review Infinitives and Participles; Greek Mythology – Organize binders and begin studying for TEST on Monday 10/7

10/4  Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Gerunds; Greek Mythology – Study for TEST on Monday 10/7

English I

9/30  MUGshot Monday – editing exercise; Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Students will be introduced to the three types of verbal phrases, taking notes and working to identify infinitive phrases in sentences from Writing Coach book pgs 369 & 374; HOMEWORK:  Using various forms of print (novels, magazines, newspapers, etc.) students need to find 3 sentences which contain infinitives and write them down, citing their source (title and author name).

10/1  LTOTW – cliche; Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Students will review infinitives using homework sentences and then focus on participle phrases as they identify them in sentences and create their own sentences using them

10/2  Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Students will review infinitive and participle phrases through stations in the classroom.

10/3  Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Students will focus on gerund phrases as they identify them in sentences

10/4  Grammar:  Verbal Phrases – Students will review all three types of verbal phrases

September 20

September 23 – 27

Pre-AP English I

9/23  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Vaping Presentation; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday

9/24  LTOTW – catharsis; Grammar:  Phrases – Prepositions & Appositives  Students will take notes over and work on being able to identify both prepositional and appositive phrases; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Orpheus myth, create a notesheet, do QuickWrite #6 “Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy. Recall a time when you could not resist a temptation and later regretted your actions,” and complete flashcards for Orpheus, Eurydice, and Aristeus; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday

9/25  1/2 DAY for students; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Midas myth, create a notesheet, and complete flashcards for Midas and Apollo; HOMEWORK:  Watch a clip from “The Hunger Games” posted in the Google Classroom as an anticipatory activity to the reading of Theseus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday

9/26  Grammar:  Phrases – Verbals  Students will take notes as an introductory activity to verbals; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Theseus myth, create a notesheet,  do QuickWrite #7 “Nobody is perfect; we all have our flaws. What do you feel are some of your shortcomings/flaws and what strong points do you feel compensate for these flaws?”, and complete flashcards for Theseus, Aegeus, Ariadne, Corynetes, Pityocamptes, Procrustes, Sciron; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Tomorrow

9/27  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST

English I

9/23  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Phrases – Prepositions  Students will take notes over and work on being able to identify prepositional phrases; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday

9/24  LTOTW:  catharsis; Grammar:  Phrases – Appositives  Students will take notes over and work on being able to identify appositive phrases; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday

9/25  1/2 Day for students; Sustained Silent Reading; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday

9/26  Grammar:  Phrases – Verbals  Students will take notes as an introductory activity to verbals;  HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Tomorrow

9/27 SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST

September 16

September 16 – 20


9/16  MUGshot Monday: editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Complements – Direct & Indirect Objects POP Quiz; SAT Vocabulary List 2 is posted in Google Classroom – DUE Friday; Greek Mythology:  Student discussion regarding QuickWrite of Prometheus myth; Students will read Daedalus myth, create a notesheet, and complete flashcards for Daedalus, Icarus, Minos, Minotaur

9/17  LTOTW:  archetype; Parts of Speech:  Complements – Predicate Nominative & Predicate Adjective

9/18  Greek Mythology:  Fall of Icarus multi-media activity – In class, students will compare and contrast a painting, poetry, and music with the myth of Daedalus.

9/19  Parts of Speech:  Review Complements for QUIZ Tomorrow; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Narcissus & Echo myth, create a notesheet, QuickWrite #5 “Think of someone you have met (can be a real or fictional person) who was completely stuck on himself/herself. Describe this person and your opinions about his/her behaviors. Feel free to use a pseudonym if you choose to discuss a real person,” and complete flashcards for Narcissus and Echo; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary Flashcards DUE Tomorrow

9/20  Parts of Speech:  Complement QUIZ

English I

9/16  MUGshot Monday:  editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 2 – students will work on flashcards for the 20 words DUE Friday

9/17  LTOTW:  archetype; Parts of Speech:  Complements – Predicate Nominative

9/18  Parts of Speech:  Complements – Predicate Adjective

9/19  Parts of Speech:  Complement Review for QUIZ Tomorrow; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary Flashcards DUE Tomorrow

9/20  Parts of Speech:  Complement QUIZ; Sustained Silent Reading

September 8

September 9 – 13

RIVALRY WEEK with Spring Hill! Everyday is a Dress Up Day! Participate (not simply wearing a tshirt) & receive bonus points!


9/9  Hawaiian vs Safari Day; Parts of Speech:  Students will read pgs 329-330 in Writing Coach and then work through sentences provided in class; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Prometheus myth, create their notesheet for the story, make a flashcard for Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Hephaestus.  HOMEWORK:  QuickWrite #2 “How do you rank the following qualities in relationships with potential boyfriends/girlfriends?  Looks • Personality • Trust”

9/10  City vs Country; LTOTW:  antithesis; Parts of Speech:  Review for TEST Tomorrow; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Pandora myth, create their notesheet for the story, make a flashcard for Pandora, and do QuickWrite #3 “In the myth, “hope” is captured in the jar. Do you believe the writer intended “hope” to be a blessing or a curse? Do you believe people in today’s world have “hope” or not? Explain.”

9/11  USA; Parts of Speech TEST

9/12  Disney vs Marvel; Parts of Speech:  Students will learn about complements, focusing on direct objects and be able to identify them in sentences; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Demeter myth, create their notesheet for the story, make a flashcard for Demeter and Persephone

9/13  Roughnecks vs Panthers; Parts of Speech:  Students will review direct objects, being able to identify them and create sentences using them correctly; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Psyche & Eros myth, create their notesheet for the story, make a flashcard for Psyche, Eros (different than original Eros), Aphrodite, and Zephyrus, and do QuickWrite #4 “Do you believe in fate/destiny? Do you believe that there is one perfect person on the planet that you are supposed to fall in love with or do you believe that there are many people in the world with whom you could be happily married?”

English I

9/9  Hawaiian vs Safari; Parts of Speech TEST

9/10  City vs Country; LTOTW:  antithesis; Parts of Speech:  Students will learn about the different types of complements, focusing on direct objects.

9/11  USA; Parts of Speech:  Review direct objects; September 11th:  Students will watch ESPN’s video of “The Man in the Red Bandana” and participate in small group activities focusing on heroes

9/12  Disney vs Marvel; Parts of Speech:  Students will focus on indirect objects, being able to identify them and create sentences using them and direct objects correctly

9/13  Roughnecks vs Panthers; Sustained Silent Reading – Book Talks October 15 & 16

September 5

Dress Up Day Reminders


If you would like to receive reminders for spirit Dress Up Days, please text @dressup9 to 81010.  Student Council will send out reminders for you!  I will give out extra credit points for Spirit Participation!!!

Again, for reminders about spirit Dress Up Days, text:

@dressup9 to 81010.

Receive extra credit points for dressing up to show school spirit!!

September 2

September 2 – 6

Pre-AP English I

9/2  NO SCHOOL:  Labor Day

9/3  LTOTW:  analogy; Greek Mythology:  Students will be introduced to the Greek Mythology Unit and the expectations; QuickWrite #1; Parts of Speech:  Students will discover the differences between the modifiers (adjectives & adverbs) by discovering the questions that each answers.  Students will be required to know these questions for the TEST next Wednesday 9/11.

9/4  Greek Mythology:  Students will be introduced to the Notesheet expectations for each myth read; In class, students will read Uranus, create their notesheet, and complete a notecard for each of the following characters: Gaea, Uranus, Kronos, Hundred-Handed Giants, Cyclopes, Tartarus, Eros, Chaos

9/5  Think About it Thursday; Parts of Speech:  Students will focus on recognizing prepositions in sentences; Greek Mythology:  Students will read Kronos & Zeus, create their notesheet, and complete notecards for each of the following characters:  Titans, Zeus, Rhea, Hera, Poseidon, Hades; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Tomorrow

9/6  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST

English I

9/2  NO SCHOOL:  Labor Day

9/3  LTOTW:  analogy; Parts of Speech:  Students will review identification of subjects & predicates from last week; Students will discover differences between the modifiers (adjectives & adverbs) by discovering the questions that each answers.  Students need to memorize these questions for the TEST on Monday; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday 9/6;

9/4  Parts of Speech:  Students will focus on recognizing prepositions in sentences; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday 9/6 & Parts of Speech TEST Monday

9/5  Parts of Speech:  Students will focus on recognizing conjunctions (FANBOYS & ONAWHITEBUS) and interjections in sentences; HOMEWORK:  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST Friday 9/6 & Parts of Speech TEST Monday

9/6  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST; Parts of Speech Review for TEST Monday