January 27

January 27 – 31

Pre-AP English I

1/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 100th Day of School activities

1/28  LTOTW:  mood; How to Write an Introduction – students will take notes over how to write an introductory paragraph and practice writing a hook, bridge, and thesis statement

1/29 How to Write an Introduction – students will review each other’s introductory paragraphs for their collaborative essay

1/30 Collaborative Writing – How to Write a Conclusion – students will review the TEXXEXXT style of writing body paragraphs before they take notes on how to write a conclusion paragraph and practice the restatement, answer the “so what”, and write a kicker

1/31  Collaborative Writing – in small groups, students will write an essay in response to the novel, Night: they will use a Google doc which they have shared with one another and me

English I

1/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 100th Day of School activities

1/28  LTOTW:  mood; Night – students will read chapter 6 together in class, answering study questions as they go; Chap 4-6 study questions are DUE Thursday

1/29 1/2 Day; SSR – students will read in preparation for Book Talks 3/3 & 3/4

1/30 Night – students will read chapters 7-9 together in class, answering study questions as they go; Chap 7-9 study questions are DUE Tomorrow; TEST Monday

1/31 Night – students will review in class for the TEST on Monday


Posted January 27, 2020 by nobleg in category Uncategorized

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