August 30

Lesson Plans: August 29 – September 2

Honors English I

8/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will take notes over narrative writing before reading an excerpt from Frederick Douglass’ narrative, highlighting qualities of personal narratives; SAT Vocabulary TEST Friday

8/30  LTOTW:  analogy; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will completely and thoughtfully answer analysis questions over the excerpt from Frederick Douglass’ narrative

8/31  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will discuss their answers to the analysis questions; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

9/1  SAT Vocabulary List 1 Review for TEST tomorrow

9/2  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST

English I

8/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will take notes over narrative writing before reading “The Pie” by Gary Soto, highlighting qualities of personal narratives; SAT Vocabulary TEST Friday

8/30  LTOTW:  analogy; Personal Narrative Writing:  students will completely and thoughtfully answer analysis questions over “The Pie” by Gary Soto

8/31  Personal Narrative Writing:  students will discuss their answers to the analysis questions; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

9/1  SAT Vocabulary List 1 Review for TEST tomorrow

9/2  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST

August 22

Lesson Plans: August 22 – 26

Honors English I & English I

8/22  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Edit Marks:  students will take notes over edit marks to use on our weekly editing exercises; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE Friday 8/26 and TEST 9/2

8/23  LTOTW:  allusion

8/24  Parts of Speech review:  students will take notes over the 8 parts of speech and identify them in sentences

8/25  SAT Vocabulary List 1:  students will complete flashcards DUE Tomorrow and TEST on 9/2

8/26  SSR:  Students will go to the library to check out a book for this quarter’s Book Talk DUE October 10 & 11

August 14

Lesson Plans August 15 – 19

Honors English I

8/15  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Subscribe to blog; Join Remind; Discuss SSR expectations; Complete Hoodie DUE tomorrow for completion grade

8/16  Rhetorical Device of the Week expectations and weekly extra credit opportunity; Power of Punctuation:  Students will take notes over punctuation and work through editing sentences

8/17  Email Etiquette:  Students will take notes over proper email etiquette, review good and bad emails, and write one of their own following the proper etiquette

8/18  Think About it Thursday weekly expectations will be discussed and individual assignments for the year made; finish Email Etiquette assignment – email to me is DUE today

8/19  CommonLit:  Students will read “The Man in the Well” and answer questions in response.  Assignment will be posted in Google Classroom

English I

8/15  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Subscribe to blog; Join Remind; Discuss SSR expectations; Complete Hoodie DUE tomorrow for completion grade

8/16  Literary Term of the Week expectations and weekly extra credit opportunity; Power of Punctuation:  Students will take notes over punctuation and work through editing sentences

8/17  Email Etiquette:  Students will take notes over proper email etiquette, review good and bad emails, and write one of their own following the proper etiquette

8/18  Think About it Thursday weekly expectations; students will practice writing complete sentences before writing a paragraph in response to the weekly quote; finish Email Etiquette assignment with an email sent to me

8/19  CommonLit:  Students will read “The Man in the Well” and answer questions in response.  Assignment will be posted in Google Classroom

May 20

Summer Reading for Honors English I

There were summer reading packets available with Mrs. Velde the last few weeks of school.  This packet included the assignments and due dates for Honors English I.  Work is due the first day of school in August, and you will have a test on the second day of school. If you failed to pick up a packet or have misplaced yours, please send me an email ([email protected]).  I will be more than happy to meet you at the high school for you to get one.

May 9

Lesson Plans: May 9 – 13

Welcome to your last full week of your freshman year! While I’m ready for summer, I will truly miss seeing each of you everyday!

5/9  Romeo & Juliet  Students will read Act V

5/10  Romeo & Juliet  Students will review the play in preparation for the TEST tomorrrow

5/11  Romeo & Juliet  TEST

5/12  Scholastic Day Program and Review for Semester Exam

5/13  Last Day of School:  Review for Semester Exam

May 2

Lesson Plans: May 2 – 6

Honors English I & English I

5/2  Romeo & Juliet Students will read Act III Scenes 2 & 3

5/3  Algebra I End of Course Exam

5/4  Biology End of Course Exam; One Act Play performance

5/5  Romeo & Juliet Students will read Act III Scenes 4 & 5

5/6  Romeo & Juliet Students will read Act IV Scenes 1 – 5

April 25

Lesson Plans: April 25 – 29

Honors English I & English I

4/25  MUGshot Monday:  students will turn in their MUGshots from the quarter; Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act I Scene 5 as a class; Act I Prologue to be recited tomorrow

4/26  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will recite Act I Prologue

4/27  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act II Prologue and Scenes 1-2

4/28  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act II Scenes 3-4

4/29  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act II Scenes 5-6 and Act III Scene 1

April 18

Lesson Plans: April 18 – 22

Honors English I & English I

4/18  NO SCHOOL – Easter Monday

4/19  LTOTW:  soliloquy; SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE & TEST on Friday; Romeo & Juliet – Students will read Act I Prologue and Scene 1

4/20  Romeo & Juliet – Students will read Act I Scenes 2 & 3; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/21  Romeo & Juliet – Students will read Act I Scene 4; HONORS Only:  Queen Mab assignment DUE Monday; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST tomorrow

4/22  SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST

April 8

Lesson Plans: April 11 – 15

Honors English I

4/11  (Algebra I Benchmark) Any student in the room who hasn’t presented their Shakespeare Background Research Project will teach the class their assigned topic; Students will complete their sonnets DUE Today

4/12  (Biology Benchmark) Any student in the room who hasn’t presented their Shakespeare Background Research Project will teach the class their assigned topic

4/13  SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Tuesday, 4/19; TEST Friday 4/22

4/14  Distribute Romeo & Juliet and assign parts; explain One-Question Quizzers; Prologue recitation 4/26

4/15  NO SCHOOL: Good Friday

English I

4/11  Algebra I Benchmark

4/12  Biology Benchmark

SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Tuesday, 4/19; TEST Friday 4/22

4/14  Introduce Romeo & Juliet and assign parts; explain One-Question Quizzers; Prologue recitation 4/26

4/15  NO SCHOOL: Good Friday


March 28

March 28 – April 1

Honors English I & English I

3/28  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; How to Read Poetry:  students will take notes over how to read a poem and together practice read a poem in Common Lit (link in Google Classroom) for understanding

3/29  LTOTW:  spoonerism; Poetry:  students will read and annotate “O Captain! My Captain!” on their own, following the steps of “How to Read a Poem” before working through response questions in the Google Classroom.  The annotated poem is to be turned in for a grade.

3/30 Poetry:  students will write an acrostic poem about a character in a story read during the school year

3/31  GimKit Review for Vocabulary  List 9 TEST tomorrow

4/1  SAT Vocabulary List 9 TEST