December 5

Lesson Plans: December 5 – 9

Honors English I & English I

12/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 2nd Quarter Review for TEST on Wednesday; SAT Vocabulary List 5 TEST Friday

12/6  LTOTW:  metaphor; 2nd Quarter GimKit review for TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 5 TEST Friday

12/7  2nd Quarter Exam

12/8  GimKit Review for SAT Vocabulary List 5 TEST tomorrow

12/9  SAT Vocabulary List 5 TEST

November 7

Lesson Plans: November 7 – 11

Honors English I

11/7  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde review for TEST tomorrow

11/8  LTOTW:  idiom: Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde TEST

11/9  Sentence Structure:  students will take notes over the four sentence structures and identify both simple and comp9und sentences

11/10  Sentence Structure:  students will review simple and compound sentences before focusing on identifying complex senteces

11/11  Sentence Structure:  students will review simple, compound, and complex sentence structures

English I

11/7  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Sentence Structure:  students will review complex sentence structure and subordinating conjunctions/relative adverbs before identifying the parts of a complex sentence

11/8  LTOTW:  idiom; Sentence Structure:  students will review complex sentence structure before identifying and writing their own complex sentences; students will then review compound/complex sentence structure

11/9  Sentence Structure:  students will focus on compound/complex sentence structure, identifying the parts of a compound/complex sentence and writing their own

11/10  Sentence Structure:  Trashketball Review for TEST tomorrow

11/11 Sentence Structure TEST

October 24

Lesson Plans: October 24 – 28

Honors English I

10/24  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 2-3, using study guide questions as a resource; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/28 and TEST Friday 11/4

10/25  LTOTW:  foil; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapter 4, using study guide questions as a resource; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/28 and TEST Friday 11/4

10/26  Early Release for Students; PLC for teachers

10/27  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 5-6, using study guide questions as a resource; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST Friday 11/4

10/28  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 7-8, using study guide questions as a resource; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards TEST Friday 11/4

English I

10/24  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/28 and TEST Friday 11/4

10/25  LTOTW:  foil;  “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan:  Students will finish reading the chapter from Tan’s novel The Joy Luck Club as they search for various literary devices and characterization; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST Friday 11/4

10/26  Early Release for Students; PLC for teachers

10/27 “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan:  Students will use their annotated story to do literary analysis over the literary devices found in the chapter – assignment is in Google Classroom; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST Friday 11/4

10/28  Sentence Structure:  Students will review 4 structures of sentences, identifying and writing simple and compound; “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan:  Students will use their annotated story to complete their literary analysis over the literary devices found in the chapter

October 19

Lesson Plans: October 17 – 21

Honors English I

10/17  NO SCHOOL – Fall Break

10/18  Band Contest in Mt Pleasant

10/19  LTOTW:  theme; Sentence Structure Notes:  Students will take notes over the four sentence structures and work on identifying simple and compound sentences

10/20  Author Background Research:  Robert Louis Stevenson

10/21  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson Introduction

English I

10/17  NO SCHOOL – Fall Break

10/18  Band Contest in Mt Pleasant; Listen & Learn Podcast posted in Google Classroom

10/19  LTOTW:  theme; Sentence Structure:  Students will take notes over the four sentence structures and work on identifying simple and compound sentences

10/20  Author Background Research:  Amy Tan

10/21  “Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan:  We will begin reading the short story as a class looking for personification, imagery, and theme

October 9

Lesson Plans: October 10 – 14

This is the LAST week of the quarter! Clear the zeros! Study for the tests!

Honors English I

10/10  MUGshot Monday editing exercise – turn in this quarter’s MUGshots; Greek Mythology TEST and binders DUE; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST on Friday

10/11  LTOTW:  euphemism – turn in this quarter’s chart; Edgar Allan Poe Author Background Research

10/12  Edgar Allan Poe:  Students will read the short story “Cask of Amontillado” and respond to analysis questions

10/13  SAT Vocabulary List 3 GimKit Review

10/14  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST

English I

10/10  MUGshot Monday editing exercise – turn in this quarter’s MUGshots; Nine Weeks Exam review; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST on Friday

10/11  LTOTW:  euphemism – turn in this quarter’s chart; Nine Weeks Exam review; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST on Friday

10/12  Nine Weeks Exam

10/13  SAT Vocabulary List 3 GimKit Review

10/14  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST

October 2

Lesson Plans: October 3 – 7

Honors English I

10/3  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Theseus – Students will complete the notesheet and flashcards for the story; SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Friday 10/7 and TEST Friday 10/14

10/4  Greek Mythology:  Perseus – Students will read the myth, complete the notesheet, and create flashcards of the following characters: Perseus, Danae, Acrisius, Medusa, Gray Sisters, Andromeda, Athena, Hermes; SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Friday 10/7 and TEST Friday 10/14

10/5  LTOTW:  epithet; Greek Mythology:  Perseus – Students will complete the notesheet and flashcards for the story; SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Friday 10/7 and TEST Friday 10/14

10/6  Field Trip to Kilgore College for Edgar Allen Poe play (Permission slip and $5 ticket price is DUE); SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Tomorrow and TEST Friday 10/14

10/7  Greek Mythology:  Binder Work Day – DUE Monday and Exam on Monday

English I

10/3  MUGshot Monday editing exercise;  SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Friday 10/7 and TEST Friday 10/14

10/4  Author Background Research:  Edgar Allan Poe; SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Friday 10/7 and TEST Friday 10/14

10/5  LTOTW:  epithet; Cask of Amontillado:  students will watch a video about the catacombs of Paris before they read the short story as a class; SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Friday 10/7 and TEST Friday 10/14

10/6  Cask of Amontillado:  students will answer analysis questions over the short story; SAT Vocabulary List 3:  flashcards DUE Tomorrow and TEST Friday 10/14

10/7  Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected text for Book Talks next week


September 26

Lesson Plans – September 26 – 30

Honors English I

9/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Quick Write #4; Daedalus – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, and build flashcards of the following characters: Daedalus, Icarus, Minos, Minotaur

9/27  LTOTW:  apostrophe; Greek Mythology:  Narcissus & Echo – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, respond to Quick Write #5; and build flashcards of the following characters: Narcissus and Echo

9/28  Greek Mythology:  Orpheus – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, respond to Quick Write #6; and build flashcards of the following characters: Orpheus, Eurydice, Aristeus

9/29  Greek Mythology:  Midas – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, and build flashcards of the following characters: Midas and Apollo

9/30  Greek Mythology:  Theseus – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, respond to Quick Write #7; and build flashcards of the following characters:  Theseus, Aegeus, Ariadne, Corynetes, Pityocamptes, Procrustes, Sciron

English I

9/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech: students will review helping verbs (List from memory on Friday) and identify subjects and verbs in sentences

9/27  LTOTW:  apostrophe; Parts of Speech:  students will review adjectives and identify them along with subjects and verbs in sentences

9/28 Parts of Speech:  students will review adverbs and identify them along with subjects and verbs in sentences

9/29  Parts of Speech Trashketball review for TEST tomorrow

9/30  Parts of Speech TEST over nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs

September 19

Lesson Plans: September 19 – 23

Honors English I

9/19  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Demeter – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, and build flashcards of the following characters:  Demeter, Persephone; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/20  LTOTW:  antithesis; Greek Mythology:  Psyche and Eros – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, and build flashcards of the following characters:  Psyche, Eros (different than first), Aphrodite, Zephryus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/21  1/2 Day: Self Selected Reading for Book Talks October 11th

9/22  Greek Mythology:  Daedalus – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, and build flashcards of the following characters:  Daedalus, Icarus, Minos, Minotaur; SAT Vocabulary List 2 GimKit Review; TEST tomorrow

9/23 SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST

English I

9/19  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Listen & Learn podcast:  Tony the Tiger – students will listen to the podcast, answer comprehension questions as they go and analysis questions afterward; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/20  LTOTW:  antithesis; Listen & Learn podcast:  Tony the Tiger – students will complete the analysis questions over the podcast; Author Background Research:  Langston Hughes; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/21 1/2 Day:  Self Selected Reading for Book Talks October 10th and 11th; complete Author Background Research; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/22  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST tomorrow:  GimKit review

9/23  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST

September 12

Lesson Plans: September 12 – 16

Honors English I

9/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Uranus – as a class, students will read the myth over Uranus and complete a notesheet as a guide for the balance of the unit as well as create flashcards for the following characters: Gaea, Uranus, Kronos, Hundred-Handed Giants, Cyclopes, Tartarus, Eros, Chaos; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 9/23

9/13  LTOTW:  anti-hero; Greek Mythology:  Kronos & Zeus – as a class, students will read the myth and on their own, complete a notesheet over the story and create flashcards for the following: Titans, Zeus, Rhea, Hera, Poseidon, Hades; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 9/23

9/14  Greek Mythology: Prometheus – as a class, students will read the myth and on their own, complete a notesheet over the story and create flashcards for the following: Prometheus, Epimetheus, Hephaestus; and write QuickWrite #2 in preparation for tomorrow’s myth; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 9/23

9/15  Greek Mythology:  Pandora – as a class, students will read the myth and on their own, complete a notesheet over the story and create flashcards for the following: Pandora; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE tomorrow, TEST Friday 9/23

9/16  Greek Mythology:  Students will use the classtime to complete the notesheets and flashcards for the 4 myths read so far; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday 9/23

English I

9/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Personal Narrative:  Students will turn in their Storytelling Arc graphic organzier which is in the Google Classroom; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 9/23

9/13  LTOTW:  anti-hero; Personal Narrative:  students will work on Show Not Tell sentences, following the example shown in class; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 9/23

9/14  Personal Narrative:  students will work on writing their own personal narrative following their storytelling arc and using the techniques from their Show Not Tell sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 9/23

9/15  Personal Narrative:  students will complete a sensory questionnaire to help establish imagery in their personal narrative which is DUE Monday 9/19; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE tomorrow, TEST Friday 9/23

9/16  Personal Narrative:  students will finish their sensory questionnaire and their personal narrative which is DUE Monday 9/19; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday 9/23

September 6

Lesson Plans: September 5 – 9

Honors English I

9/5  NO SCHOOL – Labor Day

9/6  Counselor Visit:  Mrs. Wright will come and talk with the students about expectations for high school students, grading policies, and future scheduling

9/7  Greek Mythology:  Unit Introduction, Expectations, and Rubric Review

9/8  Greek Mythology:  Creation Jigsaw Activity – in small groups, students will read four creation accounts and form comparison and contrast statements; QuickWrite #1

9/9  Greek Mythology:  Uranus – as a class, students will read the myth over Uranus and complete a notesheet as a guide for the balance of the unit

English I

9/5  NO SCHOOL – Labor Day

9/6  Counselor Visit:  Mrs. Wright will come and talk with the students about expectations for high school students, grading policies, and future scheduling

9/7  LTOTW:  Storytelling Arc; Personal Narrative:  students will take notes as review of the storytelling arc in preparation of creating their own as a rough draft of a personal narrative; Topics DUE Tomorrow

9/8  Personal Narrative:  students will discuss their topics chosen before beginning their own storytelling arc as a rough draft for their personal narrative

9/9 Personal Narrative:  students will spend the majority of the class period finishing their storytelling arc DUE Monday; SSR:  students will spend 15 minutes reading their book for Book Talks on October 10-11