February 28

Lesson Plans: February 28 – March 4

This is the last week of the 9 weeks! This report card will determine eligibility.  Take care of your responsibilities.

Honors English I

2/28  Silas Marner:  Students will read chap 11, building their study guide as they go; Book Talks; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

3/1   Silas Marner:  Students will read chap 12-13, building their study guide as they go; Book Talks; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

3/2  Silas Marner:  Students will read chap 14-15, building their study guide as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

3/3  SAT Vocabulary List 8 Review for TEST tomorrow

3/4 SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST; Silas Marner:   Students will read chap 16, building their study guide as they go

English I

2/28  Book Talks; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday

3/1  Book Talks; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST Friday


3/3 SAT Vocabulary List 8 Review for TEST tomorrow

3/4 SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST



January 3

Lesson Plans: January 3 – 7

Honors English I

1/3  NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday

1/4  LTOTW:  parody; Grammar:  Comma Rules #1-3  Students will take notes over the first three comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/5  Grammar:  Comma Rules #4-6  Students will take notes over the next three comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/6  Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11; Night:  Students will begin background research over the author and setting for the memoir

1/7  Library Visit to check out book for 3rd Quarter Book Talks to be completed by March 1; Night:  Students will continue background research over the author and setting for the memoir

English I

1/3  NO SCHOOL – Teacher Workday

1/4  LTOTW:  parody; Grammar:  Comma Rules #1-2  Students will take notes over the first two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/5  Grammar:  Comma Rules #3-4  Students will take notes over the next two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/6 Grammar:  Comma Rules #5-6  Students will take notes over the next two comma rules and practice using the rules in writing; QUIZ Tuesday 1/11

1/7  Library Visit to check out book for 3rd Quarter Book Talks to be completed by March 1; Grammar:  Comma Rules Review; QUIZ Tuesday

November 28

Lesson Plans: November 29 – December 3

Honors English I

11/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3; TEST 12/10

11/30  LTOTW:  characterization; Gift of the Magi:  Students will read the short story and begin essay assignment after reviewing expository essay expectations and grading codes; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/1  EOC Benchmark in the morning; Reading Day in afternoon for Book Talks DUE by 12/8; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/2 Dead Words:  Students will discuss overused, watered-down words which need to be replaced with upper level vocabulary for funeral on Monday 12/6; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE tomorrow

12/3 Dead Words:  Students will continue working on their dead words for funeral Monday

English I

11/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3; TEST 12/10

11/30  LTOTW:  characterization; Gift of the Magi:  Students will read the short story and take notes over TEXXEXXT writing; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/1 EOC Benchmark in the morning; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE 12/3

12/2  Gift of the Magi:  Students will begin paragraph writing response to the short story following the TEXXEXXT method; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE tomorrow

12/3 Reading Day for Book Talks DUE by 12/8

November 8

Lesson Plans: November 8 – 12

Honors English I

11/8  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Complements – direct objects; Author Background Research:  Edgar Allan Poe; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/9  LTOTW: theme; Parts of Speech:  Complements – direct & indirect objects; Edgar Allan Poe:  students will read the short story “Cask of Amontillado”; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/10  Parts of Speech:  Complements – predicate nominatives & adjectives; Edgar Allan Poe:  students will work in small groups analyzing the short story “Cask of Amontillado”; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/11 Parts of Speech:  Complements Review; SAT Vocabulary List 4 Review for TEST tomorrow

11/12 SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST

English I

11/8  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Sentence Structure Review for TEST Wednesday; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/9  LTOTW:  theme; Sentence Structure Review for TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/10 Sentence Structure TEST

11/11 SAT Vocabulary List 4 Review for TEST tomorrow

11/12 SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST



November 1

Lesson Plans: November 1 – 5

Honors English I

11/1  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Sentence Structure: students will work to identify and write compound complex sentences, review subordinating conjunctions, relative pronouns, and relative adverbs for a QUIZ tomorrow, TEST Wedensday; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  students will read chapter 9, using study questions as a guide, TEST Friday; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 11/12

11/2 LTOTW:  paradox; Sentence Structure:  students will take a quiz over the subordinating conjunctions, relative pronouns, and relative adverbs before reviewing the four structures for a TEST tomorrow;  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  students will read chapter 10, using study questions as a guide, TEST Friday; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday; TEST 11/12

11/3  Sentence Structure TEST

11/4  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  students will review the novella for a TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday; TEST 11/12

11/5 Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde TEST

English I

11/1  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 4:  students will work on their study flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 11/12

11/2 LTOTW:  paradox; Sentence Structure:  students will take a quiz over the helping verbs, add notes over the complex sentence structure, and identify parts of a complex sentence; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday; TEST 11/12

11/3  Sentence Structure:  students will review simple/compound/complex sentence structures; TEST Tuesday 11/9; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday; TEST 11/12

11/4 Sentence Structure:  students will take notes over compound-complex sentence structure, identify parts of that structure, and write original compound-complex sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday; TEST 11/12

11/5  Sentence Structure Review for TEST Tuesday; Reading self-selected novels for Book Talks in December

October 24

Lesson Plans: October 25 – 29

10/25  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Sentence Structure:  students will identify and write both simple and compound sentences; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  students will take a reading check quiz before reading chapter 4

10/26  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Sentence Structure:  students will review subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns before identifying complex sentences; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  students will begin reading chapters 5-6

10/27  1/2 Day; Band at State Marching Contest; Students will read their self-selected novel and/or complete chapters 5-6 of Dr Jekyll &  Mr Hyde

10/28  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  students will begin reading chapters 7-8

10/29  Micro-Fiction:  students will write micro stories of various genres to share with class

English I

10/25  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Sentence Structure:  students will identify compound sentences; Helping Verbs QUIZ tomorrow

10/26  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Helping Verbs QUIZ; Sentence Structure:  students will review simple and compound sentence structures through writing and identification

10/27  1/2 Day; Band at State Marching Contest; Reading Day – Students will read their self-selected books

10/28 Sentence Structure:  students will review subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns before identifying complex sentences

10/29  Micro-Fiction:  students will write micro stories of various genres to share with class

October 19

Lesson Plans: October 18 – 22

Honors English I

10/18  NO SCHOOL – End of first quarter

10/19  Author Background Research:  Robert Louis Stevenson

10/20  LTOTW: personification; Robert Louis Stevenson:  read and discuss poem, “Travel,” as a class and introduce The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

10/21  Sentence Structure:  students will take notes over the four structures and learn to identify simple sentences; The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:  as a class, students will read chapter 1

10/22 Reading Day:  students will visit the  library for a self-selected book for the quarter; The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:  students will read chapters 2-3 with Reading Check on Monday over chapters 1-3

English I

10/18  NO SCHOOL – End of first quarter

10/19  Author Background Research:  Robert Louis Stevenson

10/20  LTOTW: personification; Robert Louis Stevenson:  read and discuss poem, “Travel,” as a class

10/21  Helping Verbs:  students will list the helping verbs in their notes and begin studying for a QUIZ on Monday; Sentence Structure:  students will take notes over the four structures and learn to identify simple sentences

10/22  Reading Day:  students will visit the  library for a self-selected book for the quarter



October 1

Lesson Plans: October 4 – 8

Honors English I

10/4  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  students will watch a clip about Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and discuss her connection to Theseus; Binders DUE & TEST Friday

10/5  LTOTW: irony – verbal, situational, and dramatic; Greek Mythology:  students will read “Perseus,” complete a notesheet, and create flashcards for the following characters: Perseus, Danae, Acrisius, Medusa, Gray Sisters, Andromeda, Athena, Hermes; Binders DUE & TEST Friday

10/6  Greek Mythology:  students will watch a video clip of Medusa and journal a response to QuickWrite #8; Binders DUE & TEST Friday

10/7  Greek Mythology Binder Workday; Binders DUE & TEST Tomorrow

10/8  Greek Mythology TEST

English I

10/4  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 3:  students will work to create flashcards for the 20 words; flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 10/15

10/5  LTOTW:  irony – verbal, situational, and dramatic; Author Background Research on Edgar Allan Poe

10/6  As a class, students will read “Cask of Amontillado” by Poe.

10/7  Class discussion over “Cask of Amontillado”‘; SAT Vocabulary List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow

10/8  Reading Day in preparation for Book Talks 10/11 & 12

September 26

Lesson Plans: September 27 – October 1

Honors English I

9/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  QuickWrite #4 in Google Classroom; Fall of Icarus discussion/activity; Helping Verbs QUIZ tomorrow

9/28  LTOTW:  tone; Helping Verbs QUIZ; Greek Mythology: QuickWrite #5; Students will read “Narcissus and Echo,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Narcissus and Echo

9/29  Mrs. Noble’s Birthday!! Greek Mythology:  QuickWrite #6; Students will read “Orpheus,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Orpheus, Eurydice, Aristeus

9/30  Greek Mythology: Students will read “Midas,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Midas and Apollo

10/1  Greek Mythology: QuickWrite #7; Students will read “Theseus,” complete a notesheet on the myth, and create flashcards for Theseus, Aegeus, Ariadne, Corynetes, Pityocamptes, Procrustes, Sciron; Binders DUE October 8th; EXAM October 8th; Essay Test October 11th

English I

9/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Author Background Research on Roald Dahl

9/28  LTOTW:  tone; “Lamb to Slaughter” or “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl:  Students will reread one of the short stories with a partner and begin study packet

9/29  Mrs. Noble’s birthday; “Lamb to Slaughter” or “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl:  Students will continue their study packet with their partner

9/30  “Lamb to Slaughter” or “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl:  Students will complete their study packet with their partner

10/1  Reading Day:  Students will read their self-selected novel

September 12

Lesson Plans: September 13 – 17

It’s Homecoming Week! Follow Stuco on Instagram for each day’s dress up themes!  https://www.instagram.com/wohsstuco/

Honors English I

9/13  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24; Personal Narrative Unit TEST Wednesday

9/14  LTOTW:  foil; Personal Narrative Unit Review for TEST Tomorrow; Greek Mythology:  Unit Introduction students will respond to QuickWrite #1, work on their notesheet for “Uranus,” and create flashcards for Gaea, Uranus, Kronos, Hundred-Handed Giants, Cyclopes, Tartarus, Eros, Chaos; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24

9/15   Personal Narrative Unit TEST; Greek Mythology:  students will work on their notesheet for “Kronos & Zeus” and create flashcards for Titans, Zeus, Rhea, Hera, Poseidon, Hades; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24

9/16  Parts of Speech:  students will begin memorizing the 23 helping verbs and work on identifying subjects and verbs in sentences; Greek Mythology:  students will respond to QuickWrite #2, work on their notesheet for “Prometheus,” and create flashcards for Prometheus, Epimetheus, Hephaestus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24

9/17  HOMECOMING DAY!  Greek Mythology:  students will respond to QuickWrite #3, work on their notesheet for “Pandora,” and create flashcards for Pandora

English I

9/13  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24; Personal Narrative Unit TEST Wednesday

9/14  LTOTW:  foil; Personal Narrative Unit Review for TEST Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24

9/15  Personal Narrative Unit TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24

9/16  Author Background Research:  Students will do research on the author Langston Hughes; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24

9/17  Reading Day:  Students will read the short story, “Thank You, Ma’am,” by Langston Hughes