Lesson Plans: August 16 – 20
Honors English I
8/16 MUGshot Monday editing marks and exercise; House on Mango Street vignette reading
8/17 Literary Term of the Week; House on Mango Street vignette reading
8/18 Parts of Speech review – students will take notes over all 8 parts of speech and, as a class, write sentences which include all 8 before writing individually
8/19 Think About it Thursday journal assignment and expectations; Writing complete sentences
8/20 Library Visit for self-selected novel for SSR in prep for Book Talks
English I
8/16 MUGshot Monday editing marks and exercise; writing complete sentences
8/17 Literary Term of the Week; Parts of Speech review – students will take notes over all 8 parts of speech and, as a class, write sentences which include all 8
8/18 Parts of Speech review – students will write sentences which include all 8 parts of speech
8/19 Think About it Thursday journal assignment and expectations; Writing complete sentences
8/20 Library Visit for self-selected novel for SSR in prep for Book Talks