September 23 – 27
Pre-AP English I
9/23 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Vaping Presentation; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday
9/24 LTOTW – catharsis; Grammar: Phrases – Prepositions & Appositives Students will take notes over and work on being able to identify both prepositional and appositive phrases; Greek Mythology: Students will read Orpheus myth, create a notesheet, do QuickWrite #6 “Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy. Recall a time when you could not resist a temptation and later regretted your actions,” and complete flashcards for Orpheus, Eurydice, and Aristeus; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday
9/25 1/2 DAY for students; Greek Mythology: Students will read Midas myth, create a notesheet, and complete flashcards for Midas and Apollo; HOMEWORK: Watch a clip from “The Hunger Games” posted in the Google Classroom as an anticipatory activity to the reading of Theseus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday
9/26 Grammar: Phrases – Verbals Students will take notes as an introductory activity to verbals; Greek Mythology: Students will read Theseus myth, create a notesheet, do QuickWrite #7 “Nobody is perfect; we all have our flaws. What do you feel are some of your shortcomings/flaws and what strong points do you feel compensate for these flaws?”, and complete flashcards for Theseus, Aegeus, Ariadne, Corynetes, Pityocamptes, Procrustes, Sciron; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Tomorrow
9/27 SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST
English I
9/23 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar: Phrases – Prepositions Students will take notes over and work on being able to identify prepositional phrases; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday
9/24 LTOTW: catharsis; Grammar: Phrases – Appositives Students will take notes over and work on being able to identify appositive phrases; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday
9/25 1/2 Day for students; Sustained Silent Reading; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Friday
9/26 Grammar: Phrases – Verbals Students will take notes as an introductory activity to verbals; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST Tomorrow
9/27 SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST