March 17

Lesson Plans: March 18 – 22

Honors English I

3/18  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Poetry:  “O Captain! My Captain!” Students will read the poem together as a class, annotate on their own, and analyze in class discussion; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE Friday 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/19  LTOTW:  satire; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE Friday 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/20  EOC: Mini Assessment; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE Friday 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/21  Poetry:  Black Out Poetry; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE tomorrow 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/22  Poetry:  Black Out Poetry; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE and TEST Thursday 3/28

English I

3/18  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE Friday 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/19  LTOTW:  satire; Poetry:  “O Captain! My Captain!” Students will read the poem together as a class, annotate on their own, and analyze in group discussion; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE Friday 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/20  EOC:  Mini-Assessment; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE Friday 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/21  Poetry:  Black Out Poetry; SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE tomorrow 3/22 and TEST Thursday 3/28

3/22  Poetry:  Black Out Poetry:  SAT Vocabulary List 9:  flashcards DUE and TEST Thursday 3/28

March 4

Lesson Plans: March 4 – 8

Honors English I & English I

3/4  MUGshot Monday editing exercise:  students will turn in all from the quarter; 3rd Nine Weeks Review for test on Wednesday

3/5  LTOTW:  students will turn in their chart from the quarter; 3rd Nine Weeks Review for test tomorrow

3/6  3rd Nine Weeks Exam

February 26

Lesson Plans: February 26 – March 1

Honors English I & English I

2/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Poetry Unit:  “How to Read a Poem” notes and “Know the Lingo” literary terms

2/27  LTOTW:  logos; Poetry Unit:  “Rite of Passage” by Sharon Olds annotation as a class

2/28  1/2 Day; Poetry Unit:  “Rite of Passage” literary analysis

2/29  Poetry Unit: “Rite of Passage” literary analysis completion

3/1 EOC Revision Practice; Poetry Unit:  Walt Whitman author background research

February 11

Lesson Plans: February 12 – 16

Honors English I

2/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Constructed Response:  Students will work through revising and editing before they type their essay to submit; SAT Vocabulary List 8:  flashcards DUE Thursday 2/15  and TEST Friday 2/23

2/13  LTOTW:  ethos; EOC Constructed Response:  Students will write their own essay in response to EOC passage; SAT Vocabulary List 8:  flashcards DUE Thursday 2/15  and TEST Friday 2/23

2/14  EOC Constructed Response:  Students will write their own essay in response to EOC passage; SAT Vocabulary List 8:  flashcards DUE Thursday 2/15  and TEST Friday 2/23

2/15  EOC Constructed Response:  Students will complete their essay; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE with TEST  2/23


English I

2/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise;  SAT Vocabulary List 8:  flashcards DUE Thursday 2/15  and TEST Friday 2/23

2/13  LTOTW:  ethos; EOC Constructed Response:  Students will work through revising and editing before they type their essay to submit; SAT Vocabulary List 8:  flashcards DUE Thursday 2/15  and TEST Friday 2/23

2/14  EOC Constructed Response:  Students will write their own essay in response to EOC passage; SAT Vocabulary List 8:  flashcards DUE Thursday 2/15  and TEST Friday 2/23

2/15  EOC Constructed Response:  Students will write their own essay in response to EOC passage; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE with TEST  2/23


February 5

Lesson Plans: February 5 – 9

Honors English I

2/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Write Like a Pro

2/6  LTOTW:  paradox; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Introductory Paragraph Writing

2/7  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  It says/It means practice

2/8  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

2/9  EOC Reading Passage Practice; Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

English I

2/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Introductory Paragraph and Thesis statement notes and practice

2/6  LTOTW:  paradox; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Introductory Paragraph Writing

2/7  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraph notes and It says/It means practice

2/8  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

2/9  EOC Reading Passage Practice; Extended Constructed Response:  Body Paragraphs

January 31

Lesson Plans: January 29 – February 2

Honors English I

1/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Essay Writing Outline; SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST on Friday

1/30  LTOTW:  euphemism; EOC Informational Passage Practice; SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST on Friday

1/31  1/2 Day; Think About it Thursday journal response DUE; SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST on Friday

2/1  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST GimKit Review

2/2  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST

English I

1/29  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Short Constructed Response Writing Review; SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST on Friday

1/30  LTOTW:  euphemism; EOC Informational Passage Practice; SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST on Friday

1/31  1/2 Day; Think About it Thursday journal response DUE; SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST on Friday

2/1  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST GimKit Review

2/2  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST

January 20

Lesson Plans: January 22 – 26

Honors English I

1/22  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Night:  Students will take a reading quiz over chapters 4-5 and read chapter 6, creating a conflict chart and answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE 1/26; TEST 2/2

1/23  LTOTW:  antithesis; Night:  Students will read chapters 7-9, creating a conflict chart and answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE 1/26 and TEST 2/2

1/24  Night:  Students will complete their conflict chart and begin an analysis project (DUE Monday, 1/29) over the memoir with TEST on Friday 1/26; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE 1/26 and TEST 2/2

1/25  Night:  Students will continue working on analysis project (DUE Monday, 1/29) with TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 2/2

1/26  Night TEST and analysis project DUE Monday; EOC Practice Passage; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE and TEST 2/2

English I

1/22  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Night:  Students will take a reading quiz over chapters 4-5; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE 1/26; TEST 2/2

1/23  LTOTW:  antithesis; Night:  Students will read chapter 6, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE 1/26 and TEST 2/2

1/24  Night:  Students will read chapters 7-9, answering study questions as they go with TEST on Friday; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE 1/26 and TEST 2/2

1/25  Night:  Students will review memoir for TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 7:  flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 2/2

1/26  Night TEST; EOC Practice Passage; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE and TEST 2/2


January 8

Lesson Plans: January 8 – 12

Honors English I  & English I

1/8  Teacher Workday

1/9  LTOTW:  allusion; Review Classroom Expectations; EOC Editing Practice

1/10  Night:  Students will do author background research on Elie Wiesel before beginning the study of his memoir

1/11  EOC Editing Practice Review; Night:  Students will read chapter 1 as a class, answering study questions as we go

1/12  Night:  Students will read chapters 2 & 3 as a class, answering study questions as we go

December 8

Lesson Plans: December 11 – 15

Honors English I

12/11  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Binders DUE Wednesday and Unit Exam Wednesday

12/12  LTOTW:  2nd Quarter Chart is DUE; Greek Mythology:  Binders DUE tomorrow and Unit Exam tomorrow

12/13  Greek Mythology Exam; Binders DUE

12/14  Counselor Visit

12/15  Semester Exam Review

English I

12/11  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; 9 weeks review for TEST on Wednesday

12/12  LTOTW:  2nd Quarter Chart is DUE; 9 weeks review for TEST tomorrow

12/13  9 Weeks Exam

12/14  Counselor Visit

12/15  Semester Exam Review