October 23

Lesson Plans: October 26 – 30

Honors English I

10/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Complements Review for TEST Tomorrow; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 5 & 6 in class, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/27  LTOTW:  idiom; Grammar:  Complements TEST; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 7 & 8 in class, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/28  1/2 Day of School for PLC; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde work day

10/29 Micro-Fiction around the campfire; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 9 & 10, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Tomorrow

10/30  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will continue read chapters 9 & 10, answering study questions as they go

English I

10/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Complements Review for TEST Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/27  LTOTW:  idiom; Grammar:  Complements TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/28  1/2 Day of School for PLC; GimKit Vocabulary Review

10/29  Micro-Fiction around the campfire; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Tomorrow

10/30  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST

October 19

Lesson Plans: October 19 – 23

Honors English I

10/19  NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!

10/20  LTOTW:  diction; Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will begin their novel study with background research on Robert Louis Stevenson; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30

10/21  Jekyll & Hyde:  Unit introduction and expectations; Students will read chapter 1, answering study questions as they go

10/22  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will read chapters 2 & 3, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow

10/23  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will read chapter 4, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30

English I

10/19  NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!

10/20  LTOTW:  diction; Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Review, QUIZ tomorrow; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30

10/21  Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives

10/22  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow

10/23  Sustained Silent Reading of Self-Selected Novel; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30

October 12

Lesson Plans: October 12 – 16

Honors English I

10/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Students will organize binders which are DUE tomorrow, study for TEST tomorrow, and review TEXXEXXT method of writing along with the essay grading rubric in preparation for in-class essay writing on Wednesday

10/13  LTOTW:  archetype;  Greek Mythology:  Unit TEST

10/14  Greek Mythology:  Essay TEST

10/15  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over complements focusing on direct and indirect objects

10/16  SSR/Book Talks:  Students will go to the library to choose new book for the quarter; Parts of Speech:  Students will practice locating direct and indirect objects in sentences

English I

10/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Author Bio Research:  Students will begin using research skills to locate information about author Maya Angelou in preparation for reading a piece of her work

10/13  LTOTW:  archetype; Edgenuity:  Students will begin the unit on “I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings” in Edgenuity

10/14  Edgenuity:  Students will complete the unit on “I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings” in Edgenuity

10/15  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over complements focusing on direct and indirect objects

10/16  SSR/Book Talks:  Students will go to the library to choose new book for the quarter; Parts of Speech:  Students will practice locating direct and indirect objects in sentences

September 25

Lesson Plans: September 28 – October 2

Honors English I

9/28  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Subordinating Conjunctions Review; Greek Mythology:  Fall of Icarus discussion activity

9/29  LTOTW:  tone; Parts of Speech Review – TEST Tomorrow

9/30  Parts of Speech TEST; Greek Mythology:  Orpheus with 3 flashcards and QuickWrite #6

10/1  Grammar:  Complements Introduction; Greek Mythology:  Midas with 2 flashcards

10/2  Grammar:  Direct & Indirect Objects:  Greek Mythology:  Theseus with 7 flashcards and QuickWrite #7; Book Talks (TEST grade) on 10/7 and 10/8

English I

9/28  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Prepositions with Google Classroom assignment

9/29  LTOTW:  tone; Parts of Speech:  Prepositions Review

9/30  Parts of Speech:  Conjunctions Introduction

10/1  Parts of Speech:  Conjunctions & Interjections with Google Classroom assignment

10/2  Sustained Silent Reading; Book Talks (TEST grade) on 10/7 and 10/8

September 21

Lesson Plans – September 21 – 25

Honors English I

9/21  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb Quiz and Prepositional Phrases practice; Greek Mythology:  Pandora with 1 flashcard; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday – Quizlet review in Google Classroom

9/22  LTOTW:  rhetoric – a argumentative method developed by the philosopher Aristotle which includes the following:  1.  ethos – credible sources, 2.  pathos – touching emotions, and 3. logos – using logical arguments or facts; Greek Mythology:  Demeter with 2 flashcards and QuickWrite #3 in Google Classroom; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/23  HALF DAY; Greek Mythology:  Psyche & Eros with 2 flashcards and QuickWrite #4 (7th period:  the flashcard list and QuickWrite prompt will be in your Google Classroom); SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/24  Parts of Speech:  Conjunctions and Interjections; Greek Mythology:  Daedalus with 4 flashcards; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST tomorrow

9/25  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST; Greek Mythology:  Narcissus & Echo with 2 flashcards and QuickWrite #5

English I

9/21  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb Quiz; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday – Quizlet review in Google Classroom

9/22  LTOTW:  rhetoric – a argumentative method developed by the philosopher Aristotle which includes the following:  1.  ethos – credible sources, 2.  pathos – touching emotions, and 3. logos – using logical arguments or facts;  Parts of Speech:  Adjectives & Adverbs – Students will take notes over the modifiers and work through assignment in the Google Classroom

9/23 HALF DAY; Vocabulary Gimkit review game

9/24  Parts of Speech:  Students will review adjectives and adverbs

9/25  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST

September 12

Lesson Plans: September 14 – 18

Honors English I

9/14  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Revising & Editing – students will take notes over revision and editing techniques and then use these skills to proof their TEXXEXXT paragraph in response to “The Scarlet Ibis.”  Final Draft DUE Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/15  LTOTW:  Point-of-View – a vantage point from which a story is told; Greek Mythology Unit Introduction – Quick Write #1; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/16  Greek Mythology – Uranus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/17  Parts of Speech Review – Students will review nouns, pronouns and their cases, along with verbs and helping verbs – QUIZ on Monday 9/21; Greek Mythology – Kronos & Zeus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Tomorrow and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/18  Parts of Speech – Students will take notes over prepositions and their uses before searching for and using them in sentences; Greek Mythology – Prometheus

English I

9/14  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/15  LTOTW:  Point-of-View – a vantage point from which a story is told; Parts of Speech:  Pronouns – Students will review pronouns and their cases

9/16  Parts of Speech:  Verbs – Students will be introduced to helping verbs and work through assignment in the Google Classroom; QUIZ Monday 9/21

9/17  Parts of Speech:  Verbs – Students will review helping verbs and continue through assignment in the Google Classroom; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Tomorrow and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/18  Students will read their self-selected novel for sustained silent reading; Book Talks in October

September 8

Lesson Plans: September 10 – 11

Honors English I

9/10  “Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez:  Students will take a Quiz in Edgenuity over the short story which was read during at-home learning; TEXXEXXT writing:  Students will take notes over the TEXXEXXT style of writing and write a paragraph following this method and answering the question, “Why didn’t James Hurst, the author of “The Scarlet Ibis,” give Brother a name in the short story?” DUE Monday, September 14.

9/11  Counselor Visit

English I

9/10  Students will catch up in Edgenuity and complete any missing work from the first four weeks of school; Book Talks for anyone finished with their self-selected novel

9/11  Counselor Visit

August 28

Lesson Plans: August 31 – Sept 9

Short Stories, lessons, activities, and quizzes are in Edgenuity.  You access Edgenuity through Classlink accessed through your school email address.

Honors English I

8/31 & 9/1  LTOTW:  anti-hero – a central character who lacks conventional heroic qualities; they blur the line between good and evil.  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of an anti-hero along with the title and author where you found the example; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will take notes over imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing before reading the short story, answering questions and completing related activities as they go.

9/2 & 9/3  Think About it Thursday journal responses are DUE on Wednesday, 9/2 and new quote will be posted in the Google Classroom on Thursday, 9/3; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will review literary terms discussed in previous lesson and shown throughout the short story in preparation for a quiz at the end

9/4 & 9/8  “Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez – Students will take notes over idioms, characterization, syntax, and conflict before reading the short story, answering questions and completing related activities as they go.

9/9  (Both 4th & 7th periods) LTOTW:  foil – a character who serves as a direct contrast to the main character as a device to draw attention to and emphasize that character  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of a foil along with the title and author where you found the example; “Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez – Students will review literary terms discussed in previous lesson and shown throughout the short story in preparation for a QUIZ on Thursday, 9/10.

English I

8/31 & 9/1  LTOTW:  anti-hero – a central character who lacks conventional heroic qualities; they blur the line between good and evil.  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of an anti-hero along with the title and author where you found the example; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will take notes over imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing in preparation of reading the short story

9/2 & 9/3  Think About it Thursday journal responses are DUE on Wednesday, 9/2 and new quote will be posted in the Google Classroom on Thursday, 9/3; “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will read reading the short story, answering questions and completing related activities as they go.

9/4 & 9/8  “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst – Students will review literary terms discussed in previous lessons and shown throughout the short story in preparation for a quiz at the end of this day’s lesson.

9/9  LTOTW:  foil – a character who serves as a direct contrast to the main character as a device to draw attention to and emphasize that character  If you want to participate in extra credit, send me an email with an example of a foil along with the title and author where you found the example; Students will read their self-selected novels in preparation for their Book Talks at the end of the quarter.