November 29

November 30 – December 4

Honors English I & English I

11/30  MUGshot Monday – editing exercise (corrected sentences are posted in Google Classroom); SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards are DUE Friday, TEST Friday 11/11

12/1  LTOTW:  soliloquy – a long speech made by a character in a play while no other characters are on stage; Students will read “Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, taking notes over the character traits of Jim and Della as well as their relationship with one another before answering questions about the short story (assignment can be accessed in the Google Classroom); List 5 Flashcards DUE Friday

12/2 “Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry:  After completing assignment from yesterday, students will complete a Direct & Indirect Characterization graphic organizer about either Jim or Della; List 5 Flashcards DUE Friday

12/3  Expository Writing:  All students will take notes over the TEXXEXXT method of writing before writing –  Honors English I:  Review rubric and correction codes for expository writing and write an essay about the greatest gift you have ever given or received with rough draft DUE Monday; English I:  write a paragraph about the greatest gift you have ever given or received DUE Monday; List 5 Flashcards DUE Tomorrow

12/4  SAT Vocabulary: Students will upload their flashcards into the Google Classroom by taking pics of the cards (they will need to use their phones); Expository Writing:  Students will continue writing their essay/paragraph DUE Monday; when finished they can read their novels for Book Talks DUE 12/14 & 15

November 15

Lesson Plans: November 16 – 20

Honors English I

11/16  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Sentence Structure – Students will work through identifying the compound-complex sentence structure QUIZ Tomorrow over subordinating conjunctions, relative pronouns, and relative adverbs (OnAWhiteBus words) TEST Wednesday; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/17  LTOTW:  parody;  Grammar:  Sentence Structure – Quiz; Students will review the four structures in preparation for a TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/18  Grammar:  Sentence Structure TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/19  Writing:  Students will take notes over and work through exercises to Write Like a Pro; GimKit review for SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Tomorrow

11/20 SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST

English I

11/16  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Sentence Structure – Students will work through identifying the compound-complex sentence structure QUIZ Tomorrow over subordinating conjunctions, relative pronouns, and relative adverbs (OnAWhiteBus words) TEST Wednesday; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/17  LTOTW:  parody;  Grammar:  Sentence Structure – Quiz; Students will review the four structures in preparation for a TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/18  Grammar:  Sentence Structure TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday

11/19  GimKit review for SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Tomorrow

11/20 SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST


November 6

Lesson Plans: November 9 – 13

Honors English I

11/9  SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 11/13, TEST Friday 11/20; Essay Corrections DUE Tomorrow;

11/10  LTOTW:  satire; Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will review simple and compound sentence structures and work through sentences identifying their individual structures; Short Stories:  “The Most Dangerous Game”  Students will read the short story and answer analysis questions DUE Thursday 11/12

11/11 Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will review complex sentence structure and work through sentences identifying their individual structures; Short Stories:  “The Most Dangerous Game”  Students will finish reading the short story and answer analysis questions DUE Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 11/13, TEST Friday 11/20

11/12  Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will review simple, compound, and complex sentence structure and work through sentences identifying their individual structures; Short Stories:  “The Interlopers”  Students will begin reading the short story and answering analysis questions DUE Monday 11/16; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Tomorrow, TEST Friday 11/20

11/13  Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will take a quiz over complex sentence structure, take notes over compound/complex structure and work to identify those – TEST Wednesday 11/18; Short Stories:  “The Interlopers”  Students will finish reading the short story and answering analysis questions DUE Monday 11/16

English I

11/9  SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 11/13, TEST Friday 11/20

11/10  LTOTW:  satire; Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will review simple and compound sentence structures and work through sentences identifying their individual structures

11/11  Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will review complex sentence structure and work through sentences identifying their individual structures

11/12  Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will review simple, compound, and complex sentence structure and work through sentences identifying their individual structures; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Tomorrow, TEST Friday 11/20

11/13  Grammar:  Sentence Structure – students will take a quiz over complex sentence structure; Sustained Silent Reading – Students will read their self-selected novels in preparation for Book Talks on December 14 & 15

November 2

Lesson Plans November 2 – 6

Honors English I

11/2  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will work on plot diagram DUE 11/4 Test 11/5

11/3  Band is at competition all day; LTOTW:  characterization; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will work on plot diagram DUE Tomorrow Test 11/5

11/4  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Gimkit Review for Test tomorrow

11/5  Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Test

11/6  Short Stories:  Students will listen to author Neil Gaiman read his story, “Click Clack the Rattlebag,”  answering comprehension/analysis style questions as a class; Expository Writing:  students will receive the mythology essay back and review corrections procedures/expectations; Essay Corrections DUE Tuesday 11/10

English I

11/2  MUGshot Monday editing exercise;  Short Stories:  Students will read “The Cask of Amontillado” before individually answering comprehension/analysis style questions DUE Wednesday

11/3  Band is at competition all day; LTOTW:  characterization;  Author Background Research:  Edgar Allen Poe; HOMEWORK:  Complete comprehension/analysis style questions over “The Cask of Amontillado” DUE Tomorrow

11/4  Short Stories:  Students will finish reading “The Cask of Amontillado” and answering comprehension/analysis style questions DUE Tomorrow

11/5  Short Stories:  Students will participate in group discussion over “The Cask of Amontillado”

11/6  Short Stories:  Students will listen to a reading of “Click Clack the Rattlebag” by Neil Gaiman before answering comprehension/analysis style questions as a class; Book Talks on December 14 & 15

October 23

Lesson Plans: October 26 – 30

Honors English I

10/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Complements Review for TEST Tomorrow; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 5 & 6 in class, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/27  LTOTW:  idiom; Grammar:  Complements TEST; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 7 & 8 in class, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/28  1/2 Day of School for PLC; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde work day

10/29 Micro-Fiction around the campfire; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 9 & 10, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Tomorrow

10/30  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will continue read chapters 9 & 10, answering study questions as they go

English I

10/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Complements Review for TEST Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/27  LTOTW:  idiom; Grammar:  Complements TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday

10/28  1/2 Day of School for PLC; GimKit Vocabulary Review

10/29  Micro-Fiction around the campfire; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Tomorrow

10/30  SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST

October 19

Lesson Plans: October 19 – 23

Honors English I

10/19  NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!

10/20  LTOTW:  diction; Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will begin their novel study with background research on Robert Louis Stevenson; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30

10/21  Jekyll & Hyde:  Unit introduction and expectations; Students will read chapter 1, answering study questions as they go

10/22  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will read chapters 2 & 3, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow

10/23  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde:  Students will read chapter 4, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30

English I

10/19  NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!

10/20  LTOTW:  diction; Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Review, QUIZ tomorrow; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30

10/21  Grammar:  Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives

10/22  Grammar:  Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow

10/23  Sustained Silent Reading of Self-Selected Novel; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30

October 12

Lesson Plans: October 12 – 16

Honors English I

10/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Students will organize binders which are DUE tomorrow, study for TEST tomorrow, and review TEXXEXXT method of writing along with the essay grading rubric in preparation for in-class essay writing on Wednesday

10/13  LTOTW:  archetype;  Greek Mythology:  Unit TEST

10/14  Greek Mythology:  Essay TEST

10/15  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over complements focusing on direct and indirect objects

10/16  SSR/Book Talks:  Students will go to the library to choose new book for the quarter; Parts of Speech:  Students will practice locating direct and indirect objects in sentences

English I

10/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Author Bio Research:  Students will begin using research skills to locate information about author Maya Angelou in preparation for reading a piece of her work

10/13  LTOTW:  archetype; Edgenuity:  Students will begin the unit on “I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings” in Edgenuity

10/14  Edgenuity:  Students will complete the unit on “I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings” in Edgenuity

10/15  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over complements focusing on direct and indirect objects

10/16  SSR/Book Talks:  Students will go to the library to choose new book for the quarter; Parts of Speech:  Students will practice locating direct and indirect objects in sentences

September 25

Lesson Plans: September 28 – October 2

Honors English I

9/28  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Subordinating Conjunctions Review; Greek Mythology:  Fall of Icarus discussion activity

9/29  LTOTW:  tone; Parts of Speech Review – TEST Tomorrow

9/30  Parts of Speech TEST; Greek Mythology:  Orpheus with 3 flashcards and QuickWrite #6

10/1  Grammar:  Complements Introduction; Greek Mythology:  Midas with 2 flashcards

10/2  Grammar:  Direct & Indirect Objects:  Greek Mythology:  Theseus with 7 flashcards and QuickWrite #7; Book Talks (TEST grade) on 10/7 and 10/8

English I

9/28  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Prepositions with Google Classroom assignment

9/29  LTOTW:  tone; Parts of Speech:  Prepositions Review

9/30  Parts of Speech:  Conjunctions Introduction

10/1  Parts of Speech:  Conjunctions & Interjections with Google Classroom assignment

10/2  Sustained Silent Reading; Book Talks (TEST grade) on 10/7 and 10/8

September 21

Lesson Plans – September 21 – 25

Honors English I

9/21  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb Quiz and Prepositional Phrases practice; Greek Mythology:  Pandora with 1 flashcard; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday – Quizlet review in Google Classroom

9/22  LTOTW:  rhetoric – a argumentative method developed by the philosopher Aristotle which includes the following:  1.  ethos – credible sources, 2.  pathos – touching emotions, and 3. logos – using logical arguments or facts; Greek Mythology:  Demeter with 2 flashcards and QuickWrite #3 in Google Classroom; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/23  HALF DAY; Greek Mythology:  Psyche & Eros with 2 flashcards and QuickWrite #4 (7th period:  the flashcard list and QuickWrite prompt will be in your Google Classroom); SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday

9/24  Parts of Speech:  Conjunctions and Interjections; Greek Mythology:  Daedalus with 4 flashcards; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST tomorrow

9/25  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST; Greek Mythology:  Narcissus & Echo with 2 flashcards and QuickWrite #5

English I

9/21  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech:  Pronoun Case Chart & Helping Verb Quiz; SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST on Friday – Quizlet review in Google Classroom

9/22  LTOTW:  rhetoric – a argumentative method developed by the philosopher Aristotle which includes the following:  1.  ethos – credible sources, 2.  pathos – touching emotions, and 3. logos – using logical arguments or facts;  Parts of Speech:  Adjectives & Adverbs – Students will take notes over the modifiers and work through assignment in the Google Classroom

9/23 HALF DAY; Vocabulary Gimkit review game

9/24  Parts of Speech:  Students will review adjectives and adverbs

9/25  SAT Vocabulary List 2 TEST

September 12

Lesson Plans: September 14 – 18

Honors English I

9/14  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Revising & Editing – students will take notes over revision and editing techniques and then use these skills to proof their TEXXEXXT paragraph in response to “The Scarlet Ibis.”  Final Draft DUE Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/15  LTOTW:  Point-of-View – a vantage point from which a story is told; Greek Mythology Unit Introduction – Quick Write #1; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/16  Greek Mythology – Uranus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/17  Parts of Speech Review – Students will review nouns, pronouns and their cases, along with verbs and helping verbs – QUIZ on Monday 9/21; Greek Mythology – Kronos & Zeus; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Tomorrow and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/18  Parts of Speech – Students will take notes over prepositions and their uses before searching for and using them in sentences; Greek Mythology – Prometheus

English I

9/14  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Friday 9/18 and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/15  LTOTW:  Point-of-View – a vantage point from which a story is told; Parts of Speech:  Pronouns – Students will review pronouns and their cases

9/16  Parts of Speech:  Verbs – Students will be introduced to helping verbs and work through assignment in the Google Classroom; QUIZ Monday 9/21

9/17  Parts of Speech:  Verbs – Students will review helping verbs and continue through assignment in the Google Classroom; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards are DUE Tomorrow and TEST is Friday 9/25

9/18  Students will read their self-selected novel for sustained silent reading; Book Talks in October