May 10

Lesson Plans: May 13 – 17

Honors English I & English I

5/13  Romeo & Juliet GimKit review for TEST tomorrow; all late work is DUE tomorrow

5/14  Romeo & Juliet TEST; all late work is DUE today

5/15  Semester Review to be completed by everyone

5/16  Semester Review; Freshman Field Day reward from canned food drive

5/17  Semester Review; Senior Walk and SloMo pep rally

May 7

Lesson Plans May 6 – 10

Honors English I & English I

5/6  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will complete quotes assignment

5/7  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will watch Acts IV & V; LTOTW:  Students will submit their 4th quarter chart

5/8  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will complete a character chart in review of the play

5/9  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will complete a timeline of the play

5/10  Scholastic Day