Lesson Plans: October 23 – 27
Honors English I
10/23 MUGshot editing exercise; Sentence Structure: Students will take notes over the four types of sentences, identifying and writing simple and compound sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/27 TEST on Friday 11/3
10/24 LTOTW: alliteration; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/27 TEST on Friday 11/3
10/25 1/2 Day; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/27 TEST on Friday 11/3
10/26 Sentence Structure: Students will review simple and compound sentences then focus on identifying and writing complex sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Tomorrow TEST on Friday 11/3
10/27 Sentence Structure: Students will review the first three types of sentences by identifying and writing simple, compound, and complex sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST 11/3
English I
10/23 MUGshot editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/27 TEST on Friday 11/3
10/24 LTOTW: alliteration; Sentence Structure: Students will take notes over the four types of sentences, identifying simple sentences versus fragments; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/27 TEST on Friday 11/3
10/25 1/2 Day; Sustained Reading of self-selected texts; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Friday 10/27 TEST on Friday 11/3
10/26 Sentence Structure: Students will focus on identifying and writing compound sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 4 flashcards DUE Tomorrow TEST on Friday 11/3
10/27 Sentence Structure: Students will review simple and compound sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST 11/3