August 28

Lesson Plans: Aug 28 – Sept 1

Honors English I

8/28  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Raisin in the Sun Act I Scene 2; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

8/29  LTOTW:  protagonist/antagonists; Raisin in the Sun Act I Scene 2; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

8/30  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over the 8 parts of speech; Raisin in the Sun Act II Scene 1; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

8/31  GimKit Review for  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST tomorrow; Raisin in the Sun Act II Scene 2

9/1  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST; Raisin in the Sun Act II Scene 2  Students need to come to class on Tuesday, 9/5 ready to begin reading Act II Scene 3  There will be a reading check on Monday.

English I

8/28  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech – Students will identify subjects and verbs in sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

8/29  LTOTW:  protagonist/antagonists; Parts of Speech – Students will identify subjects, verbs, and adjectives in sentences and begin memorizing the 23 helping verbs for QUIZ on 9/5; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

8/30  Personal Narrative:  Students will take notes over the qualities of a personal narrative before reading “The Pie” by Gary Soto; SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST on Friday

8/31  GimKit review for SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST tomorrow; Personal Narrative:  Students will finish reading “The Pie” by Gary Soto

9/1  SAT Vocabulary List 1 TEST; Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected texts


August 20

Lesson Plans: August 21 – 25

Honors English I

8/21  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE Friday and Test Friday 9/2; Raisin in the Sun: students will go to the library to check out the book and Background Presentations begin

8/22  LTOTW:  theme; Raisin in the Sun:  Background Presentations continue; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE Friday and Test Friday 9/2

8/23  Raisin in the Sun:  Background Presentations continue; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE Friday and Test Friday 9/2

8/24  Raisin in the Sun:  Assign parts for the play and begin reading; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE tomorrow and Test Friday 9/2

8/25  SAT Vocabulary List 1 flashcards DUE and TEST Friday 9/2; Raisin in the Sun:  Continue reading

English I

8/21  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE Friday and Test Friday 9/2

8/22  LTOTW:  theme; Students will write a paragraph response to the Think About it Thursday quote and work on SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE Friday and Test Friday 9/2

8/23  Email Etiquette – Students will take notes over the proper way to send formal emails, identify well-written emails, and compose/send their own; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE Friday and Test Friday 9/2

8/24  Parts of Speech:  Students will take notes over the 8 parts of speech and identify them in sentences; SAT Vocabulary List 1:  flashcards DUE tomorrow and Test Friday 9/2

8/25  Sustained Silent Reading:  Students will go to the library to check out a self-selected book to read on Fridays in class; SAT Vocabulary List 1 flashcards DUE and TEST Friday 9/2

August 15

Lesson Plans: August 14 – 17

Honors English I

8/14  Freshmen Orientation

8/15  House on Mango Street books DUE with TEST on Friday; Classroom Expectations; Subscribe to blog

8/16  House on Mango Street begin chapter presentations and TEST on Friday

8/17  Think About it Thursday weekly quote introduction and weekly assignment; Raisin in the Sun Background presentations assigned and DUE Monday or Tuesday; House on Mango Street TEST tomorrow

8/18  House on Mango Street TEST; Raisin in the Sun Background presentations DUE Monday or Tuesday

English I

8/14  Freshmen Orientation

8/15  Subscribe to blog; First Day Stations

8/16  Classroom Expectations

8/17  About Me hoodies

8/18  About Me hoodies