Lesson Plans: February 20 – 24
Honors English I
2/20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
2/21 LTOTW: oxymoron; Silas Marner: Students will read chapter 11, working on dialectical journal as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/24 TEST 3/3
2/22 English I EOC Benchmark
2/23 Silas Marner: Students will read chapters 12-13, working on dialectical journal as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 3/3
2/24 Silas Marner: Students will read chapters 14-15, working on dialectical journal as they go
English I
2/20 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
2/21 LTOTW: oxymoron; The Princess Bride: Students will finish watching the movie; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/24 TEST 3/3
2/22 English I EOC Benchmark
2/24 The Princess Bride: Students will begin literary analysis; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 3/3
2/25 The Princess Bride: Students will complete their literary analysis