January 23

Lesson Plans: January 23 – 27

Honors English I

1/23  Comma Rules 4-6

1/24  LTOTW:  cliffhanger; Comma Rules 1-6 Review

1/25  1/2 Day for Students

1/26  Literary Analysis Overview; Introductory Paragraph

1/27  Literary Analysis: TEXXT Body Paragraphs

English I

1/23  Night Gimkit Review for TEST tomorrow

1/24  LTOTW:  cliffhanger; Night TEST

1/25  1/2 Day for Students; clear the zeros

1/26 Comma Rules 3-4

1/27  Comma Rules 5-6


January 17

January 16 – 20

Honors English I

1/16  NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday

1/17  LTOTW:  paradox; Night  Students will continue working on their analysis of the memoir through their One Pager DUE Thursday

1/18  Night  Students will continue working on their analysis of the memoir through their One Pager DUE Thursday

1/19  GimKit Review of SAT Vocabulary List 6 and Night for TEST tomorrow

1/20  SAT Vocabulary List 6 and Night TEST

English I

1/16  NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday

1/17  LTOTW:  paradox; Night  Students will read Chapter 6 using study questions in Google Classroom as a resource for comprehension and analysis

1/18  Night  Students will read Chapters 7-9 using study questions in Google Classroom as a resource for comprehension and analysis

1/19  GimKit Review of SAT Vocabulary List 6 for TEST tomorrow

1/20  SAT Vocabulary List 6 TEST



January 9

Lesson Plans: January 9 – 13

Honors English I

1/9  Night:  Reading Quiz Chap 1-3; Students will read Chapter 4; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST Friday the 20th

1/10  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Night:  Students will read chapter 5; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST Friday the 20th

1/11  Night:  Students will read chapter 6; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE  Friday and TEST Friday the 20th

1/12  Night:  Students will read chapters 7-9; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE  tomorrow and TEST Friday the 20th

1/13  Night:  Students will analyze literary elements in the memoir

English I

1/9  SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST Friday the 20th

1/10  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Night:  Reading Quiz Chap 1-3

1/11  Night:  Students will read chapter 4; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST Friday the 20th

1/12  Night:  Students will read chapter 5; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Tomorrow and TEST Friday the 20th

1/13  Night:  Reading Quiz Chap 4-5

January 3

Lesson Plans: January 2 – 6

Honors English I


1/3  Literary Term of the Week:  personification; Comma Rules #1-3

1/4  Night by Elie Wiesel:  Students will do author background research

1/5  Night:  Novel unit expectations; Students will read chapter 1

1/6  Night:  Students will read chapters 2-3; Quiz over chapters 1-3 on Monday

English I


1/3  Literary Term of the Week:  personification; Comma Rules #1-2

1/4  Night by Elie Wiesel:  Students will do author background research

1/5  Night:  Novel unit expectations; Students will read chapter 1

1/6  Night:  Students will read chapters 2-3; Quiz over chapters 1-3 on Tuesday