Lesson Plans – September 26 – 30
Honors English I
9/26 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology: Quick Write #4; Daedalus – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, and build flashcards of the following characters: Daedalus, Icarus, Minos, Minotaur
9/27 LTOTW: apostrophe; Greek Mythology: Narcissus & Echo – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, respond to Quick Write #5; and build flashcards of the following characters: Narcissus and Echo
9/28 Greek Mythology: Orpheus – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, respond to Quick Write #6; and build flashcards of the following characters: Orpheus, Eurydice, Aristeus
9/29 Greek Mythology: Midas – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, and build flashcards of the following characters: Midas and Apollo
9/30 Greek Mythology: Theseus – students will read the myth, create a notesheet summarizing the characters and story, respond to Quick Write #7; and build flashcards of the following characters: Theseus, Aegeus, Ariadne, Corynetes, Pityocamptes, Procrustes, Sciron
English I
9/26 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech: students will review helping verbs (List from memory on Friday) and identify subjects and verbs in sentences
9/27 LTOTW: apostrophe; Parts of Speech: students will review adjectives and identify them along with subjects and verbs in sentences
9/28 Parts of Speech: students will review adverbs and identify them along with subjects and verbs in sentences
9/29 Parts of Speech Trashketball review for TEST tomorrow
9/30 Parts of Speech TEST over nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs