Lesson Plans: April 11 – 15
Honors English I
4/11 (Algebra I Benchmark) Any student in the room who hasn’t presented their Shakespeare Background Research Project will teach the class their assigned topic; Students will complete their sonnets DUE Today
4/12 (Biology Benchmark) Any student in the room who hasn’t presented their Shakespeare Background Research Project will teach the class their assigned topic
4/13 SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Tuesday, 4/19; TEST Friday 4/22
4/14 Distribute Romeo & Juliet and assign parts; explain One-Question Quizzers; Prologue recitation 4/26
4/15 NO SCHOOL: Good Friday
English I
4/11 Algebra I Benchmark
4/12 Biology Benchmark
SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Tuesday, 4/19; TEST Friday 4/22
4/14 Introduce Romeo & Juliet and assign parts; explain One-Question Quizzers; Prologue recitation 4/26
4/15 NO SCHOOL: Good Friday