April 25

Lesson Plans: April 25 – 29

Honors English I & English I

4/25  MUGshot Monday:  students will turn in their MUGshots from the quarter; Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act I Scene 5 as a class; Act I Prologue to be recited tomorrow

4/26  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will recite Act I Prologue

4/27  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act II Prologue and Scenes 1-2

4/28  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act II Scenes 3-4

4/29  Romeo & Juliet:  Students will read Act II Scenes 5-6 and Act III Scene 1

April 18

Lesson Plans: April 18 – 22

Honors English I & English I

4/18  NO SCHOOL – Easter Monday

4/19  LTOTW:  soliloquy; SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE & TEST on Friday; Romeo & Juliet – Students will read Act I Prologue and Scene 1

4/20  Romeo & Juliet – Students will read Act I Scenes 2 & 3; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST Friday

4/21  Romeo & Juliet – Students will read Act I Scene 4; HONORS Only:  Queen Mab assignment DUE Monday; SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST tomorrow

4/22  SAT Vocabulary List 10 TEST

April 8

Lesson Plans: April 11 – 15

Honors English I

4/11  (Algebra I Benchmark) Any student in the room who hasn’t presented their Shakespeare Background Research Project will teach the class their assigned topic; Students will complete their sonnets DUE Today

4/12  (Biology Benchmark) Any student in the room who hasn’t presented their Shakespeare Background Research Project will teach the class their assigned topic

4/13  SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Tuesday, 4/19; TEST Friday 4/22

4/14  Distribute Romeo & Juliet and assign parts; explain One-Question Quizzers; Prologue recitation 4/26

4/15  NO SCHOOL: Good Friday

English I

4/11  Algebra I Benchmark

4/12  Biology Benchmark

SAT Vocabulary List 10 flashcards DUE Tuesday, 4/19; TEST Friday 4/22

4/14  Introduce Romeo & Juliet and assign parts; explain One-Question Quizzers; Prologue recitation 4/26

4/15  NO SCHOOL: Good Friday


April 1

Lesson Plans: April 4 – 8

Honors English I

4/4 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Shakespeare Background Research Project

4/5  End of Course Exam

4/6  LTOTW:  tragedy; Shakespeare Background Research Project

4/7  Shakespeare Background Research Project Presentations

4/8  Shakespeare Background Research Project Presentations for those who are in class but haven’t presented; Shakespearean Sonnets:  Students will take notes over Shakespearean Sonnets, read a couple to notice the distinctions, and then write their own

English I

4/4 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Prep Discussion

4/5  End of Course Exam

4/6  LTOTW:  tragedy; Shakespeare Background Research

4/7  Shakespearean Sonnets:  Students will take notes over Shakespearean Sonnets, read a couple to notice the distinctions and then write their own

4/8  Shakespearean Sonnets:  Students will complete their sonnet; Reading Day:  Students will read their self-selected novel for Book Talks in May