Lesson Plans: November 8 – 12
Honors English I
11/8 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech: Complements – direct objects; Author Background Research: Edgar Allan Poe; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday
11/9 LTOTW: theme; Parts of Speech: Complements – direct & indirect objects; Edgar Allan Poe: students will read the short story “Cask of Amontillado”; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday
11/10 Parts of Speech: Complements – predicate nominatives & adjectives; Edgar Allan Poe: students will work in small groups analyzing the short story “Cask of Amontillado”; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday
11/11 Parts of Speech: Complements Review; SAT Vocabulary List 4 Review for TEST tomorrow
11/12 SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST
English I
11/8 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Sentence Structure Review for TEST Wednesday; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday
11/9 LTOTW: theme; Sentence Structure Review for TEST tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST Friday
11/10 Sentence Structure TEST
11/11 SAT Vocabulary List 4 Review for TEST tomorrow
11/12 SAT Vocabulary List 4 TEST