February 26

Lesson Plans: March 1 – 5

3/1  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Benchmark Testing continues; Book Talks DUE Thursday; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST on Friday

3/2  LTOTW:  hyperbole; Benchmark Testing continues;  Book Talks DUE Thursday; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST on Friday

3/3  Benchmark Testing concludes; Book Talks DUE tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 8 TEST on Friday

3/4   Students will record Book Talk videos on Flipgrid link in the Google Classroom if they have not yet done so and then study vocabulary terms for TEST tomorrow (Quizlet in Google Classroom)

3/5  Vocabulary List 8 TEST


February 21

Lesson Plans: February 22 – 26

Honors English I

2/22  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Silas Marner TEST with essay (Rough Draft DUE Wednesday); SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/23  LTOTW:  foreshadow; Silas Marner essay writing Rough Draft DUE Tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/24 PLC Day:  1/2 day for students; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/25  Benchmark Testing; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE Tomorrow TEST 3/5

2/26  Benchmark Testing

English I

2/22  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE 2/26 TEST 3/5

2/23  LTOTW:  foreshadow; Expository Essay:  Students will take notes over writing a conclusion paragraph before writing their 2nd body paragraph following the TEXXEXXT structure and conclusion

2/24  PLC Day:  1/2 day for students; Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected text

2/25  Benchmark Testing; SAT Vocabulary List 8 flashcards DUE Tomorrow TEST 3/5

2/26  Benchmark Testing

February 8

Lesson Plans: February 8 – 12

Honors English I

2/8  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Silas Marner – students will read chapters 9-10, working on their study guides as they go

2/9  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Silas Marner – students will read chapter 11, working on their study guides as they go

2/10  Silas Marner – students will read chapters 12-13, working on their study guides as they go

2/11  Silas Marner – students will read chapters 14-15, working on their study guides as they go

2/12  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST; Silas Marner – students will read chapter 16, working on their study guides as they go

English I

2/8  MUGshot Monday editing exercise;  2018 STAAR Reading Passage

2/9  LTOTW:  pathetic fallacy; Expository Essay writing introduction, students will analyze writing prompt and complete brainstorm page

2/10  Expository Essay:  introduction writing

2/11  Expository Essay:  body paragraph I – TEXXEXXT organization

2/12  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST; Sustained Silent Reading of self-selected text for Book Talks (flipgrid link in Google Classroom) due 3/3