November 18 – 22
Pre-AP English I
11/18 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; “The Cask of Amontillado” Socratic Seminar discussion; SAT Vocabulary List 5 – flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 12/6
11/19 LTOTW: foil; Write Like a Pro introduction – Students will take notes over tips to write like a pro; The House on Mango Street – Students will upload a video of themselves reading one of their vignettes from the summer reading assignment and post constructive comments on at least three classmates’ videos
11/20 Write Like a Pro Stations – Students will work through stations utilizing the techniques presented to write like a pro
11/21 Write Like a Pro – Students will search for Write Like a Pro techniques in a student-written narrative essay; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE Tomorrow
11/22 Students will write and deliver a Thank You letter to a teacher on campus.
English I
11/18 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE Friday, TEST Friday 12/6
11/19 LTOTW: foil; “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe – the students will read the short story together in class
11/20 “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe – In small groups, the students will begin answering questions over the short story
11/21 “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe – In small groups, the students will finish answering questions over the short story; HOMEWORK: SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards DUE Tomorrow, TEST Friday 12/6
11/22 Students will write and deliver a Thank You letter to a teacher on campus; Sustained Silent Reading; Book Talks DUE by Dec 17