October 7 – 11
Pre-AP English I
10/7 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology TEST; SAT Vocabulary List 3 in Google Classroom – flashcards are DUE Friday 10/11 and TEST is Friday 10/18
10/8 LTOTW – cliffhanger; Greek Mythology In-Class Essay
10/9 Grammar: Verbals – gerunds Students will take notes over gerunds and work to identify them in sentences
10/10 Grammar: Verbals Review – Trashketball Game; SAT Vocabulary List 3 flaschcards DUE Tomorrow
10/11 Grammar: Complements & Verbals Review for TEST Monday
English I
10/7 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 3 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST is Friday 10/18
10/8 LTOTW -cliffhanger; Grammar: Complements & Verbals Review for TEST Tomorrow
10/9 Grammar: TEST
10/10 Author Background Research: Langston Hughes – Students will research information about author Langston Hughes in anticipation of reading one of his short stories; SAT Vocabulary List 3 flashcards DUE Tomorrow
10/11 Sustained Silent Reading: Students will read their chosen novel in preparation of their Book Talks DUE next week