August 19 – 23
Pre-AP English I
8/19 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Policies and Procedures; Flipgrid vignette
8/20 Literary Term of the Week; Students will take notes over 8 parts of speech and work through exercise identifying nouns
8/21 Noun Review: Writing Coach pg 297 sentences 11-20 – list nouns in each sentence; Pronouns: Students will begin memorizing the Pronoun Case Chart – QUIZ Monday
8/22 Think About it Thursday; Email Etiquette – Students will take notes over proper emailing etiquette
8/23 First Chapter Fridays; Book Talk Introduction
English I
8/19 MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Parts of Speech – Students will take notes over the 8 parts of speech
8/20 Literary Term of the Week; Students will focus on nouns and work through identifying them in sentences
8/21 Noun Review: Writing Coach pg 297 sentences 11-20 – list nouns in each sentence; Pronouns: Students will focus on pronouns and begin memorizing the Pronoun Case Chart – QUIZ Monday
8/22 Think About it Thursday; Email Etiquette – Students will take notes over proper emailing etiquette
8/23 First Chapter Fridays; Sustained Silent Reading; Book Talk Introduction