Week 2: August 21-25
AP English Lit:
8/21 – Students will begin their Animal Farm project, “Using the Power of Rhetoric to Inspire Others.” Inspirational Speeches: As a class, students will listen to MLK Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech and compare and contrast it with Old Major’s speech from the book.
8/22 – The Art of Rhetoric: We will review rhetorical devices for the students to find in speeches they choose from the following: FDR’s speech on Pearl Harbor, GWB’s speech on 9/11, Obama’s inaugural speech, and Obama’s speech on the murder of bin Laden.
8/23 & 24 – Rhetorical Speech: Students will choose their topic and write their own 2-3 minute rhetorical speech to give in class on Friday.
8/25 – Present Rhetorical Speeches.
English IV:
8/21 – The Old English and Medieval Periods: Students will review the history of the time period for a foundation of the works we will be studying. Anthology pgs 2-13 Students will create groups to discuss the questions “What is the relationship between place and literature?” “How does literature shape or reflect society?” and “What is the relationship of the writer to tradition?”
8/22 & 23 – Coat of Arms: Students will research Coat of Arms from the Middle Ages and then create their own Coat of Arms revealing the characteristics they view in themselves and their families.
8/24 – Earthly Exile, Heavenly Home: As a class, students will read the following poems: “The Seafarer”, “The Wanderer”, and “The Wife’s Lament.”
8/25 – Earthly Exile, Heavenly Home: Students will identify rhythm, caesura, and kennings in the poetry as they analyze the works.